
How can i raise 15 dollars in 3 days?

by  |  earlier

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i need money to go skating with my friends.




  1. I make that in way less than an hour haha! Id send it to you, but I dont think itd get there in time... Im assuming youre young so offer to do chores for your parents that they normally wouldnt have you do because theyre "too hard" or something and charge them $5 per chore... or do a car wash.... or beg for change outside a grocery store lol funny, but it might work

  2. 15? doesn't seem like much but doing extre chorse IS a good way. or helping a neighbor do something.

  3. haha um babysitt is a easy 25 for me

    beg your parents?

    get a job for like a few hours and quit i guess

    lemonade stand

    walk some dogs

    mow some lawns

    sell a kidney..haha just kidding

  4. Wash 5 cars.

    Charge $3.

  5. do extra chores around the house. Do stuff for your neighbor. Sell stuff. Idk.

  6. I think it's great that you are planning to work on the money to go with your friends.  Shows that you are growing up to be responsible.  Do chores and help around your house.  Good luck and I'm sure you'll go. Have Fun!

  7. sell 15 geese eggs @ $1 each or offer to take the dog out to poo for your neighbor 3 times @ $5.00 each time

  8. Get a job.

  9. do a lemonaid stand sure you have to pay for the supplies but the best way is to have limonaide and lemonaid all you need is water a pitcher sugar and the real juice that is lemon and lime juice and that makes good cheap lemonaid and limeaid it is incredible hope it helps

  10. you can have a mini yardsale you can help people around your neighboorhood with yard work or you can have a lemonade stand or you could babysit

  11. Mow one lawn.  You should make over $15.

  12. do chores

    babysit for neightbors

    and charge 7$ an hour

    its cheap and in four hourse you make 28

  13. I would take some old clothing and sell it to some used clothes store and sell them. You could also sell old video games or cds to an electronic/music store.

  14. Pan handle, if you are a female it should be really easy. Just say you need money for the bus, you will make way more than $15.

  15. I usually babysit. I chare $5 an hour cause people in my neighborhood are willing to pay anything to get a babysitter. I usually are able to earn $20 - $30 dollars in 2 or 3 days.

    Good luck and I hope you get enough money!

  16. please you could get 15 dollars in a day

    wash cars

  17. Chores....Chores....Chores...... I'd hire you if you lived nearby. Ask your Neighbors if they need something done for them, You may find you  have a steady income!

    Good Luck

  18. only 15 dollars!

    you can practically go around town an find change on the ground in 3 days

  19. offer to clean someone's room or kitchen or something like that.

  20. ask if ur parents need help with around the house stuff... or ask ur grandparents if they need help

  21. i agree with the guy who said sell yourself for s*x, its a great money getter naaaaaaaaaaaaa mean

  22. Psh, really? Someone wanted to raise $50 in one day. Be creative and think of some simple things. >_>

  23. The easiest   way to raise money is to...

    *Do chores

    *Help mum or dad

  24. it depends on how old you are. If your a teen, maybe try baby sitting, mowing lawns, or dog walking. Maybe even doing some extra chores at your home can help.  If your older, try selling things you dont use. Maybe even have a garage/ yard sale. You'll have to get a permit but the profit from your sale will hopefully be larger. Maybe at the garage/ yard sale, you can even sell cookies, sodas, or tacos.

  25. work around the house or for neighbors or something.

    just earn 5 $ a day and you will ave enough by the end of your 3rd day=]

  26. sell ur blouse on

    or any other item you dont want

    or do a garage sale and put all the junk you have

    im sure someone will buy it

  27. Sell something you don't need anymore... or offer to clean or do some kind of housework for someone.

  28. You could probably ask your neighbors or your parents if you could do something for them that would make you a little more money.Like you could mow there lawn,water there plants,if they have pets you could walk them,and you could do some garden work.

    Hope this helps!!

  29. ok for three days ask ur mom if u can get 5 dollars each day u clean the whole kitchen..maybe more if she doesnt agree.

  30. babysit

  31. five dollars a day.

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