
How can i raise a big cat cub or panda cub ect.?

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I always see how people can take on a baby panda or cheetah for the zoo and raise it until they are a certain age...Then they will give it back to the zoo. How does all that work out?




  1. contact your local zoo or the Association of Zoos and Aquariums for more information on that.

  2. I happen to know quite a bit about Giant Pandas, and it is NOT possible for you to raise a panda cub - PERIOD.  And you have NEVER seen anyone do that - pandas are native to China, only - and the pandas that are currently here in the United States are not even owned by the U.S. - they are "on loan" from China for a certain number of years - it is very costly for a Zoo to have pandas, and, unfortunately, even when a cub is born in the U.S., it is still "owned" by China.

    Giant pandas are one of the most endangered species in the world, and are the symbol for the WWF - the ONLY way that you can even have a panda cub "sit on your lap" for a few minutes is to go to China, and then pay, in Chengdu, extra to have this privilege.  The only other people who can even pick up a panda cub are their doctors, keepers, etc.

    Pandas are one of the most captivating and adorable animals in the world, in my opinion and that of many others - they also require a great deal of care and money.  They are difficult to breed, and each cub that is born and survives is a little miracle in itself.  There are few of us who love pandas who wouldn't love the chance to get up close and personal with a panda cub, or adult, but unless you can make a signifigant monetary contribution to a zoo, or decide to pursue a career working for a zoo, or go to China, you won't be getting too close to a Giant Panda.

    There are however, 4 zoos in the United States that house pandas - where you can go and see them - they are located in San Diego, California, Memphis, Tenneesee, Atlanta, Georgia, and Washington, D.C.

  3. they don't take the animal as a pet. they take them to rehabilitate if the animals have problems. or if the animal doesn't have a mother, they take them to their home to feed them and socialize them with other animals.. there's lots of work involved with all of this. it sounds fun, yeah, but in reality, most people are up at all hours of the night taking care of the animal, especially if the animal is a baby. if your really interested in doing this, try watching some documentaries on this subject, like on animal planet and talk to someone at a local zoo.

    hope i helped.

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