
How can i recycle waste papers in my school in a short period?

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a lot of paper is thrown in school premises.and we have been burning them.




  1. If you are a student ask your principal why they are not recycling. If the answer does not satisfy you ask your parents to bring it up in a school board meeting.

  2. At my school there is a large [garbage bin] thing that collaborates with different schools and it recycles paper, boxes, etc. It's something with a dog, I can't remember the name...

    Yeah, but every classrom has a recycling bin and each student throws there paper out in that.

  3. There is no excuse for this kind of waste today.

    Get separate collection boxes for each class-room.

    If your municipality does not re-cycle, use cardboard boxes.

    Find a local paper dealer who will buy scrap paper.

  4. ??? is the incinerator connected to any other resource or just wasted..???

    Then I might suggest YOU develop  a mobile trailer that has a shredder and a hydraulic compactor and the school could open it to the public as well ..

    City counties and the State offices require destruction of documents after they have been digitaly copied.

    I release this idea in hopes your school can better it self...

  5. Run them through a shredder and sell them as pet bedding.

  6. get other people to help you

  7. No one recycles in high schools.  I just started noticing that!

    Teens get lazy.  As for me, I recycle at school.  

    Just collect all the paper and bring them to a recycling center.  DON'T BURN THEM!

    It is just making the environment worse than with papers flying around.

  8. you don't recycle papers by burning them..

    why not collect those papers and bring them to a recycling plant..? or reuse at least before you throw them away.. like using it as scratch papers.. or decors..

  9. CSULB has a recycling plant off Atherton.  Each class could have a box and at the end of the day, student council members or your own classroom children could collect the paper in a trash bag.  Then just dump it at CSULB.  I'm sure all custodians would appreciate getting rid of excess papers.  They might even offer boxes or to carry the bag to your car.  A lot of paper really is heavy.

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