
How can i reduce high blood pressure and Cholestoreol without taking any drugs

by Guest64430  |  earlier

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how can i reduce high blood pressure and Cholestoreol without taking any drugs




  1. Eat healthy and exercise.

  2. eat cheerios

  3. diet and exercise?

    well maybe not a diet diet

    go to ur doctor they will tell u all the foods u can and cant have

    i havent met ne one that has done this the heathly way, usually ppl take meds. i cant guarrtenee this will control it

  4. Get off the computer and move your hamhocks.  Don't buy a treadmill you'll just sit there and watch it collect dust while making trips to the fridge.

  5. you can't lower your blood pressure with food.

    Eat alot of oatmeal.

  6. Eat healthier. Get to the gym and jump on the treadmill for a half hour a day. Drink plenty of water. Stay away from soda, coffee, and salt. Basically live a healthier lifestyle

  7. Best to do what the doctor says> while get healthy>Then you might be able to change meds.

  8. eat some cheerios or quaker oatmeal

  9. veryvery localorie foods without salyt lots of walking

  10. Exercise safely, this will also reduce the risk of heart attack that often follows high blood pressure.  Also watch what you eat, foods that are high in saturated fats will give you high cholesterol. You could also try seeing your GP.

  11. eat healthy and excersise

  12. Absolutely as I have accomplished this task.  Cheerios or Oatmeal for breakfast for starters.  If you are overweight, losing weight will instantly lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.  Research the B Vitamin, Niacin.  Actually, a quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplement is helpful.

  13. Watch your diet very carefully. I did it. I haven never taken high blood pressure medication before, and sure didn't want to have to start, so when my blood pressure started edging up into the danger zone, I begged my doctor to give me time to bring it down myself. Avoid salt, mostly. Do some online research. It's really hard to balance. You need calcium, but eating some dairy products (like ice cream) can raise your cholesterol levels. I used to eat ice cream regularly, now I hardly ever indulge.

  14. meditate and drink water

  15. Eat healthily.

  16. Eat better. i hear Honey nut cheerios works well.

  17. Eat healthily, do yoga or other exercising, or maybe get a massage :)

  18. Take less salt, take more water and no oily stuffs, it will help you.

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