
How can i regain trust for my boyfriend ?

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how can i regain trust for my boyfriend




  1. It depends on what you have done to lose his trust. It isn't easy, but if you are supportive and faithfull with him he will trust you. It just takes some time. Good luck.

  2. ok if u really love your bf,,u have to stop thinking about what he has done,,cause as long as u r dweeling on it,,it will allways b a prob,,so just try to think of other things wen it comes into your mind,,i no he was wrong in hurting u,,and karma will get him back,,u no,what comes around goes around,,,n i write  with the caps on cause i dont see to good,,,peace

  3. It depends on exactly what he did, but time and him proving himself!

  4. If you don't trust him don't waste your time with him. If he did whatever he did now it would only get worse in the future. Any bf that ever did something to break my trust was an ex bf very quickly. I don't mess around with my heart and if you can't respect it I'm out.  

  5. what did he do to breach the trust? if he cheated, then dump him period. else few yrs down the road you'll be here again asking us 'how to regain my husband's trust, we have x kids together'.

  6. by your actions, whatever was done to loose trust, stop doing it,make sure u let him know u understand that what was done hurt him, u have to work hard at regaining someones trust,it could take some time,communication is key, talking over what happened is most important, and be an open book, no secrets.

  7. If you cheated on him, never again will he trust you in the deepest part of his heart, because you would have scared it shut.  The rest all depends on what it was

  8. Need more info.  If he is a cheater...cheaters cheat.  You would be stupid to ever trust him again.

  9. Depends whats he done??

    Cheating and lying are the hardest things

    and you'll never really trust him 100 percent again, but you can work at it xx

  10. Time.

    My boyfriend cheated on me when I was 19 and he was and still is the love of my life (though we married other people). I could not forgive him and we split up. I did not forgive him for many years, until I was older.  If I had just stayed with him and lived the commitment I would have matured and gotten over it. I think he was just young, as was I.

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