
How can i remember things better? i cant ever remember 16 HELP

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im a 16 year old male

i forget ALOT of today i forgot i was making eggs and i was sitting there watching them and i walked away and did something else

till i realized i was making eggs...

i cant ever remember can i fix this? i was thinking about taking gingko bilboa but idk




  1. There are many factors that could be affecting your short term memory.

    Poor memory can occur when the brain is progressively starved for blood, oxygen, and nutrients as the blood vessels are clogged or hardened from a poor diet, stress, and stimulants.  The vessels decline, and the brain doesn't receive adequate oxygen.  Poor memory sometimes results from inadequate exercising of the brain.  

    First, if you drink soda, especially diet soda, STOP.  The chemicals that are found in soft drinks, especially in the artificial sugars found in Diet soft drinks, are known to adversely affect memory.

    Second, make sure you are getting enough sleep everyday.  If you have a hard time waking up, toss & turn, have a hard time getting to sleep, or do not feel rested when you wake up each day, then your sleeping habits are not good and they are impairing your memory.

    Third, check your diet.  Make sure you are getting a wide variety of vegetables; cover all the color groups and make sure you have more leafy greens than not.  Eat your berries, especially blueberries.  Avoid all forms of artificial sugars and limit your consumption of processed sugars.  Rely instead on natural sugars and drink LOTS of water.

    Fourth, check your protien consumption.  Grains, legumes, and egg yolks are good ways to boost your protein levels without the harmful effects of red meat on the brain.

    Fifth, although you are ony 16, I have found that doesn't stop a lot of teens, so do not consume alcohol.  Alcohol does not just impair your judgement, it also impairs the brains ability to function even when sober, especially in the memory department.

    Sixth, again, your age not withstanding, do not smoke.  If you do, stop.  Smoking will cause the blood vessels to tighten and decay, affecting more than just your memory.

    Seventh, follow a cardivascular health program, do deep breathing, and avoid excessive worry.  Rest the mind with regular meditation breaks.  Habitual stress can wreak havoc with your memory.  Reduce stress with meditation, yoga, stretching, and regular exercise.

    Try drinking ginkgo leaf and rosemary teas and take caynne powder in capsules to increase your circulation to the brain.  You may also want to use the brain tonic, gotu kola herb.

    Mix 1 teaspoon each of ginkgo leaf, gotu kola herb, ginseng root, wild oats herb, and nettle leaf in 4 cups of distilled water.  Bring herbs and water to a boil, then steep the mixture for 20 minutes over med/low heat.  Drink 1 cup of the tea, 2 or 3 time daily, before meals.  If you prefer, mix 1 teaspoon each of the individual tinctures (if you can find them) in 1 cup of water and drink 1/2 cup, 2 times daily.

    Good luck.

  2. Are you taking any drugs?


    You probably have ADD and you also in a mild depression. Go to the doctor , tell him your symptoms and he will prescribe you Adderall and you will be able to remember and focus more.

    Good Luck!

  3. Maybe you have ADD, attention deficit disorder.

    Usually someone who can't concentrate on just one thing, and can be pretty forgetful at times. Or it could be another common learning disability that associates with that one.

  4. Haha Gingko Biloba just makes me think of old people -you're not in love are you?.....seriously - one of 2 common things I'm guessing.  You either have some serious stress going on - causes the inattentiveness and general fog or you may have a focusing issue like ADHD.  How do you do in school?  Forgetful , talkative, sometimes inappropriate? could be ADHD.  

    If this is something that is becoming worse and you manifest physical symptoms - like swelling/pain of joints, not sleeping, gaining losing weight see the doc for some bloodwork could be a hormonal (thyroid?) thingy going on.  Last guess is you're just dopey.

  5. I would see a doctor. That sounds pretty serious.

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