
How can i remove ..ZLOB..and..virtumonde.. from this computer?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike there a free program...or a "bought" program that i can use or do i have to do it manually ..I am more into cars than hi-tech...please help...thanks




  1. Try:

    Spyware Cleaner 2008  its very ffective & doesn't slow down ur system as wel

  2. Use Download and Scan Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:

    Download, install, update and select Full Scan.

    Remove all infections that it finds after scan.

  3. Download this file to your desktop

    Close all browsers, right-click and select: Install

    Disconnect from the internet.

    This program doesn’t really install, it just clears all sites in the Domains and Ranges keys.

    Afterwards you will need to immunize again in SpyBotS&D and re-protect again with SpywareBlaster or re-install iespyadds if it’s installed, then the file itself (DelDomains.inf) can be safely deleted.

    Simply use the Search or Find utility to locate it and delete it.

    Lavasoft Virtumonde Remover will find and clean the variants of the Virtumonde (a.k.a Vundo Trojan), that integrate tightly with the operating system, causing some scanners to bluescreen windows

    When your machine is clean, ensure that your Anti-Virus is up to date

  4. You should remove it with AVG free edition.Go to this website to download AVG free edition

  5. go to google and look for smitfraudfix for the zlob virus and vundofix for virtumonde virus

  6. Super AntiSpyware should get rid of it for you...they get rid of viruses to adware...absolutely love the program and it is free!

  7. Try spybot S&D

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