
How can i remove a bad luck curse even if i don't know who cast it upon me

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For as long as i remember ive had bad luck, i`ve suffered more than my share of family deaths and illness, everytime i come into money or earn well something always arises so i have to spend it, the final straw was when i recently passed my mortgage advisor exams only to see the market crash. I`ve always felt like i`ve been cursed but dont know by who. Please help




  1. i heard if you try to destroy any bad luck , itll be worse . go to a gypsy to fix it.


    "Spell and magick be gone (say this three times)

    That has been placed on me by person(s) known or unknown to me

    Go back from whence you came

    Remain with whom you came from

    Be with who you were sent by"

    Then visualize a pyramid going over you.

    "I am under universal light and universal protection

    Nothing less then universal perfection can touch me were I am

    The forces of this spell do leave So mote it be.

  3. I'm not sure. But can you kindly leave the mortgage industry? Because I really want to sell my house. Or find someone to bring this bad luck curse away.

  4. Stop believing in it and blaming it for all your troubles, things happen, it has nothing to do with curses.

  5. I'm sure, since you're asking it here, you're not looking for a therapy session. This may take some practice or it may just be that you are able to do this right away. It can be done for anything negative around you. What you do is sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and concentrate on a tiny white ball of light deep inside your center (I start just above my belly in my diaphram area) Slowly make this ball of light grow in size and intensity. Keep it dense and tight, don't let it go all willy nilly. Let it grow until it completely fills you. Evene when you feel like you can't hold it anymore...keep it in and think about all the negative energy you want to get rid of. When you are ready (you'll know when) let it go... I mean really blast it out with force.

    This works wonders.. it's actually how my family has sent spells also for a very long time.

  6. you're cursing yourself, probably, by the way you look at things - for example, if a big expense was about to happen, and you came into money right before that - that's good luck . . . and a lot of money can be made in time of market crash.

    Probably some things that have happened to you really are bad though regardless of how you look at it (everyone has these things in their lives)

    check this out to break the curse:

  7. The bad economy is affecting many lives, and yours is one of them. You're not cursed.  

  8. Most luck is just what you make of it, don't dwell on it, think positive, blah blah blah. You know that stuff, and you know life goes on, and you know that the housing market is the socio-political set-up's fault.

    Now that that's out of the way... want some magic?

    Here is a Good Luck spell, if you want to counter the one that you think was set upon you:

    You need: A candle to represent you (any color), a gray candle, a black candle, and an orange candle.

    It's best to perform this one while the moon is waxing. Light the candle that represents yourself and say: “This is me, me in all things” Light the black candle and say: 'This is all the bad luck that has dragged my footsteps. Trouble, disappointments and tears are here. This bad luck now leaves me forever'. Light the gray candle and say: 'All that was bad is neutralized. All my bad luck is dissolved'. Light the orange candle and say: 'This is the energy coming my way, to get my life moving and speed up the change'.

    Sit quietly for a while and visualize the negative energies being whisked into the gray candle and dissolved into empty nothingness. Visualize the orange candle drawing good energy and good luck towards you, see the air stirring about with possibilities and opportunities.

    Let the candles burn down completely (take the usual safety precautions)

    There's also a Protection spell you can try, which is meant to defend against someone who wishes you harm. You may want to set yourself with a protection circle, some candles, and the like, but the important bit of this one is the words:

    All acts of negativity

    will now return threefold to thee.

    All bad you try to send my way

    upon your own self will hold sway.

    All actions, thoughts and words of hate

    become your own decided fate.

    By all up high, the worlds and wise

    by oceans wide and deep blue skies

    by day and night, and powers three

    this is my will, so mote it be!

  9. its not a curse you just think that get your life organized first and then things will get better  

  10. It is the "Law of Attraction" / self sabotage!

    You state "For as long as I can remember" and this is closer to the truth than you know!

    At some point in your youth, you were exposed to a negative example. By this I mean someone "programmed" you into believing you have bad luck. It may have been you, feeling unworthy of anything positive.

    {This is evident in your query} It may have been a relative, "You break everything you touch" or "You have the worst luck" are phrases stated but not intended to harm, yet they do. You began to believe it and attract this "luck". If it does not materialize via attraction, you take action without realizing it.

    For one week, try positive affirmations such as "I am a VERY fortunate individual" " What ever I touch shall turn into gold" or "Although I may step in a pile of p**p, I will find a diamond in it".



    p.s. To KnO; That is a cool spell! Thanks for sharing Majik!

    NAMASTE' and Blessed Be!

  11. I'm a fairly religious person, and I do believe in God. I'm still in debate over which religion I am, so I won't say anything, but I do believe that there is no such thing as luck. I believe that God decides what we get and what we don't. Maybe you could try to find religion in your own way. Things happen for a reason, and maybe all of this misfortune for you is just a test to see if you can hold your head even when the worst happens.

    I heard this story in religious studies...I think it was an asian went something like this. A farmer who was devoted to his religion, and one day the devil went up to god and said "I bet if you took away all of his possessions he wouldn't be so devoted." So God took flooded the man's farm and took away all of his possessions by having a tornado hit his house. The man stayed close with his family and remained devoted to God. The devil again approached God and said "I bet if you took away his family, he wouldn't be so devoted." So God set a plague on the man's family and they passed away. The man, still believing in God, prayed and asked God, even though he believes and prays and is the best he can be, why do you bring all of these hardships upon me, and God became angry and told the man that there are a million things that the man does not understand, and who is he to judge the works of God.

    Something along those lines...haha...I don't even know if that's how the story went or not. On second thought it might have been a Jewish story. Anyway, the point is that there is so much we will never understand about how the world works. Whether this is a curse or a test or something else, you'll never know. But finding religion and asking for strength and courage and faith to get through this may just be what you need to do. If religion isn't for you, then listen to someone else's answer...they seem to have some pretty great responses.

    But I hope you can figure things out. I'll pray that things turn around for you! Praying has always worked for me! :)

  12. There is no such thing as curses, it is just called "sods law" everyone gets it. E.g. When you buy a new car and you take out for the first time and someone crashes into you.

    You can't do anything about it, because everyone has it and some people have it more than others.

  13. You have what is known as learned helplessness. Read up about "Pavlov's Dogs". Google it...Dr Pavlov was a psychologist who made life h**l for 2 subject dogs. (when animal testing was accpeted; I in no way condone animal testing! But this particular case will help you...)

    Anyway, he then released them but they didnt go! They had learned helplessness. Life is bad, so why try and change it? Why run? its bad everywhere!

    You beleive your cursed, so you feel you are, and you dont put yourself in the right situations for good luck. Perhaps even dont bother to change things for good... The financial market has been bad for a long time, as has the housing market...why did you choose this career path?

    Sart thinking positively, and talk to a counsellor. Take care.  

  14. If you believe in back luck then it will happen for you.

    I suggest you give your self an affirmation like " My life is full of good things and i am lucky".

    Repeat this amny times everyday and im sure you will see a change.

    We create out own reality and the power of the mind is very strong.

    If you tell yourself you have bad luck it will happen to you

  15. I think it's more to do with your outlook on life.  If you have been unlucky with money then don't become a mortgage adviser! I wouldn't want to come to you for advice.  

    List the pro's and con's in your life.  The fact you passed your exam is good for a start.  Look at my life.  I look on my life with a positive outlook:

    Voted Vice-Captain at school.  Started university, didn't like it so dropped out.  Got a temporary job in a call centre.  Before I knew it I had a permanant contract and have worked my up to a secondment covering an HR Manager roll in charge of training across 5 cities, which although is only for a few months will look great on my CV.  I have been really lucky not to have any terminal illnesses and have a loving family.  My gran recently died (we were really close) and despite being 10 people in the room waited until we were alone to pass, sharing the most special moment of her life.

    Looking at it from a negative point of view, vice-captain meant that I couldn't go to all my classes and failled a few exams, flunked uni, and currently have a high stress job which I'm only doing for a few months but not getting paid any more for.  I've been diagnosed with IBS recently which means I wake up through the night with exrutiating stomach cramps.  My gran died, who I was really close to, with only me in the room which sent me into a state of panic.  

    Do you see what I mean?  You have to weigh up the pro's and con's.  

  16. Make sure you do good for others.  

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