
How can i remove advertisements in my pc for example webpages that contains date programs or nude and p**n add

by  |  earlier

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i like to go to certain websites and i find it disturbing that i have to watch the advertisement beside the page with girls half naked and sometime naked which is very stupid cause its disturbs me and also my nephew so please please if anyone know how to remove those adds please tell me =D thank you




  1. if you have firefox,you can add add-blocker plus plug-in which will stop all that pluz add pop-up blocker

  2. get a security program for your computer, it will stop the nude and p**n from showing up  but the advirtisment idk, they should block the BAD advirtisments

  3. Contact the sites owner

  4. If you're using internet explorer:

    Download parental control software for free. It blocks nude pictures, profanity, and other malicious websites affecting your wholesome browsing.

    For firefox:

    Look for procon latte add-ons. It automatically block websites and other pages containing "bad" words.

    I hope you find this helpful. Happy browsing!!!

  5. if you have firefox,you can add add-blocker plus plug-in which will stop all that

  6. go to control panel and set your parental controls to block out nude or certain graphic ,you can also set your internet site settings to medium high or just look at the various options in your internet option advance settings and block out pop ups also

  7. just get firefox with ad block, it will block all ads

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