
How can i remove the contatc's?

by Guest56264  |  earlier

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How can i remove the contatc's?




  1. Given that you posted this question under the topic of "Embassies and Consulates" I'm not sure what type of contacts you mean.  You need to either clarify your question, or post it under a topic where it has more meaning.

  2. If your contacts reappear after delete / restart yahoo or you just can't add any ... remember this ... Yahoo has your friends list on THEIR servers .. you are sending a signal to yahoo to remove or add them .. but as usual yahoo doesn't respond ... the same way it doesn't respond when some are entering chat now ... yahoo is working on new alpha servers and login ... you can get a sneek peek at how they will work at freecreed. com ... stop trying to fix being able to add/delete contacts ... it's a YAHOO SERVER ISSUE ... you are not alone

  3. you mean contacts in your eyes ? in your mail box ? a contract ?

    it cannot be here ? since you are new ? and you have none? would you like to be more precise? and come back ?

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