
How can i repair a torn down blanket (comforter)?

by  |  earlier

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the blanket got caught on something sharp, and it has a perfect right angle tear about 3 inches on each side. the blanket is baffled so it is a little difficult to push the feathers, aside for sewing...

would a sew on patch work well?

any ideas?




  1. no sorry

  2. You can try using an iron on patch. Just be carefull that the material the comforter is made from won't burn. The only problem I really see with a patch is that it won't look that great and may eventually peel off.

    Try pushing the feathers down and pulling the torn edges up at the same time to stitch it. If you can get the feathers pushed down far enough put in a few saftey pins or pins to help hold them down while you stitch it back together.

    Other than that, you might want to call an alterations shop or contact your local cleaners too see if they can fix it.  

  3. You would probably be smart to take it to a local dry cleaner for repair. Most have seamstresses that can do a professional job for a reasonable price.

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