
How can i run faster for soccer?

by  |  earlier

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I have excellent ball control (not to brag) and an okay kick, and, up until about 2 years ago i was one of the fastest players on the field. Now i have gotten slower and slower until in team sprints i am average. This is problem intensifies because the guy playing across from me at left mid (i play right) is super fast. He is not great with the ball or anything but he can run by most people. Considering i play right midfielder this is terrible because many of the defenders on my team are really slow. I have really great endurance as well running for long periods of time is not a problem. It is just speed and acceleration. Like when you have to sprint for a loose ball or have beat the defender and need to really RUN i usually end up losing. By losing i mean even if i start 5 yards ahead of the defender they will catch up enough to harass me and in general make it hard to play. So i am certainly not slow but i need to be faster. I don't need any diet or anything i am actually quite skinny and in very good shape. I have been playing soccer for 8 years and i am 12 years old i have practice 2 times a week (tuesdays and wednsdays) where we first run 2-3 miles and then do some sprints. Then we get technical and do corner kicks scrimmages 1 v. 1 drills etc. Practice lasts for 90 min from 6 30 to 8 00




  1. i use to be fast too back when i was like 12 but know im 15 and ive slowed down alot

    but wat me and my team do is dat every mornin or practice day we do this thing were we run slowly the fast then slow then fast then slow then fast and so on or wat me and my cousin who is like super fast we try to get to a ball before our dog does freakin hard hes only gotten it twice i haventr gotten it

    and as for kickin harder u have to disinflate a ball as much as possible but not to much or u cant play with it  then go against a wall and kick the ball it wont bounce back super hard becouse it really heavy that will build muscle on your legs and should give u a harder kick for those perfectly inflated ball

  2. drink milk and exercise more

  3. Have you ever heard of acceleration training? This will teach you how to pick up speed when you need it. There are many trainers that will offer acceleration training. This should help tremendously. I have been playing soccer for 32 years now. LOVE IT.

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