
How can i run longer with out getting tierd?

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I play field hockey and love running on the field and on the road but when it comes to the track i cant run as long with out having to walk i can get 3/4 a mile done with a struggle how can i improve this? we do a lot of running on the track and my lungs just cant take it for some reason...the rest of my body is fine its just my lungs and breathing how can i improve this?




  1. simple........become superhuman

  2. i find it much easier on the lungs if you take the longest deepest breaths that you can. in through your nose and out through the mouth

  3. by breathing through your nose and out of your mouth. maybe a few days before your games go for a long jog and see how far you can get be fore getting really tired. and see if you can inprove on that every day or every week. you will be able to run a bit further every time and soon you wont struggle at running in field hockey

  4. go to the doctors just to make sure u dont have breathing problems but just gradually make your practices longer and longer

  5. when you play field hockey, soccer, rugby, or similar sports you dont feel as tired, because you are more focused on the game than actually running. you also have more rest time.

    when you are just running you are thinking of mainly just that.

    you have to relax your body and mind, when you run distance your body doesnt fatigue like sprinting, instead your lungs and heart work more.

    even though your chest might hurt, you have to relax, as long as you can keep driving your legs your okay.

    alot of people may not agree, but it is easier to become a competitive distance runner than  a competitive sprinter. Mainly because sprinters require a greater skill,strength, and mind than distance runners.

  6. You have to work on endurance training. But since i do see you play other sports, i do think that because your concentrating on a more interactive sport you dont have to think about your breathing. When it comes to a track field you noticed your breathing pattern and therefore you putting in more effort by trying not to breath to fast or too hard.

    So there are a few things you can do, work on yoga, yoga helps you concentrate on breathing and relaxing, with the practice of yoga and knowin how to breath and when you breath you can learn how to conrtol it in running.

    Also when it comes to run there is stride and pace. You have to learn how to pace yourself and how to stride (step lengths) because all of this done improperly can tire you out faster.

    When a person sprints its short steps followed by fast breaths. When a person runs distant they have a wider stride and their breathing isnt as hard. Of course the faster a distance runner runs at a long stride the faster they breath and eventually the shorter the steps go.

    You can start working on endurance by running on a treadmill. a treadmill will help set a pace so you run a steady speed. This will all help while you work on breathing control. When you run on the treadmill start on a light run find a stride to the run, and after about 5 mins put the speed faster and try to keep the stride your at while maintaining your breathing, continue to repeat the process, you will find a max where you will run fast, at the same stride, with a controlled breathing you can handle. When you start to tire, you decrease the way you increased, so you put the speed down, keep the same stride and work on slowing your breathing, and proceed in that manner, till you get to a speed thats running but not too slow to be considered fast walking and keep a stride and a breathing pattern, that will train you into consistency. Once you get the hang of it and practice on the treadmill, bring it outdoors and do it just like that. Dont be afraid to try it uphill too, if you can do it uphill even for a short while and work on making it longer then you know the more you can do uphill the longer and better you will go on flatter ground.

  7. control your breathing

  8. There are running execises called fartleks.  They work like this, while jogging, at some point, start to almost sprint for about 25 yards, then slow down until you recover.  At first, if you need to walk to recover, then walk.  Once you've recovered, jog, then sprint another 25 yards or so.  Repeat  this for as long as you can, then go to some of your other exercises.  Only do this type of running every other day.  The next day, after doing fartleks, jog slowly, but try to cover the entire mile.  Don't over exert yourself.  Then, next day, do the fartlek workout, and you'll see two things start to happen: 1- your recovery time will be less and you'll be able to eventually jog while recovering, and 2 - you'll find that your distance will begin to increase on your long runs on days you don't do fartleks.  Good luck.

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