
How can i run my fastest in an 800 metre running event?

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This Friday is Athletics Day and I will be competing in the 800 metre running event. How can possibly run my fastest. Is specific thing i should do before the race (e.g. breakfast or no breakfast, or have sports drinks or water). And also because I'm only in grade 6 no one actually does the on your marks get set go. Everyone just stands and does not start off on their knees. What do you recommend i Do?




  1. eat a big bowl of pasta for dinner the night before. seriously

  2. pace your self when running and keep running at a comfortable pace or i suggest lightly jog with good breathing patterns. Whilst racing carry round some lucozade sports drink which is really good to get focus and energy. But if your thinking of running the 800 metre long term like a few times a day, i suggest you have a full breakfast, and drink 2l of water every day.

    Hope this helps you *Thumbs up*

  3. I recomend that you eat a good healthy breakfast like honey with bread or vegemite. wear good sport shoes at the race and be fast. try your hardest. imagine your at the Olympics!

  4. Keep your pace, and ignore all the other runners until the very end.

    Run at a reasonable pace that you can keep up at the start. No sprinting off unless you can maintain it.

    There is also another trick... You CAN sprint and keep going and just run as fast as you can for as far as you can to get a good lead. Then hope like heck the others wont follow your lead or if they didn't hope they wont catch up during the end. - I don't recommend it.

    Drink water before your run(but leave a lot for after the race), eat a good healthy breakfast and maybe a small snack before you run.

    Also... PRACTISE! And Good Luck!

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