
How can i sanitize the soil for vegetable garden? soil was used by dogs for years.

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i have a section of my yard that is in full sun. would like to plant a vegetable garden in this area next spring. problem is my dogs have used this area to relieve themselves for years. how do i sanitize the soil, if that is possible, in order to make sure it is not contaminated by fecal material?




  1. use worms on it

    fence it off from the dogs for a couple of months

    i wouldn't worry about it i use manure all the time just give it a while  

  2. dig it under and keep the dogs off the area.  It's not a problem, but if it makes you feel better, spread cow manure or compost over the top, dig a trench down one side the depth of the shovel head.  Dig down a second time throwing the dirt aside.  Then repeat another trench next to the first throwing the dirt into the previous trench.  Repeat.  Water it down well, then cover entire area with clear or opaque plastic sheeting, weighting down the edges.  Leave it until spring.  This will "solarize" the soil.

  3. What are you talking about?  Fecal matter = fertilizer.  You WANT fecal matter in the soil.  Just dig up the entire area and mix it up well.  You might want to add some cow manure to the soil.  The only fecal matter you have to worry about is the new stuff your dogs might drop there once the garden gets going.  When you're digging up the soil, if you see something that bothers you, just remove it.

  4. Dig deep, best is to double dig.

    Add plenty of horse manure - leave on top to break down over winter.

    In spring, dig well & plant.

    Best wishes. h

  5. What’s Your Dog p**p IQ?

    Take this fun quiz to see if you’ve  got the straight scoop about p**p!

    p**p Quiz

    1. Dog p**p makes good fertilizer:

    True or False

    ANSWER: False

    Dog waste does not make good fertilizer. In fact, it goes beyond being bad fertilizer; it may contain harmful microorganisms and bacteria that can make you and your family sick. For this reason, you should never compost pet waste and reuse it as fertilizer.

    Anyone who tells you it makes good fertilizer and uses it is putting their family at risk.  Cows eat grass and dogs eat meat big difference in fecal matter.  

    I have no idea of products to use to sanitize the yard outside of removing the topsoil and then replacing it in that location.  If an animal has worms in the fecal matter and you walk with bare feet in the yard  can attach to your feet and work their way into you body.

    The only other suggestion would be to spray the area with medium strength  bleach and since bleach is basically like chlorine dissipates quickly in the sun after a few days.  I might do this a couple of times a week for a month.  I have a well and about 3 or 4 times a year I was told to put 1/2 cup of bleach in  disinfecting the well water.  

    Good Luck!

    Edited: make sure to keep the garden area fenced off.

  6. I have read that dog fecal material isnt good for a fertilizer as it can

    transfer diseases from the dog, to the plant, then to humans. I dont

    use it at all. The only way to sanitize the soil is by heat. The easiest

    way is to use the sun and let it do the work for you, but you wont

    be able to use it the first year unless you have a real long growing

    season. But if you start now, it will be ready for next year. Here is a

    web site that tells you how to do it.......Hope this helps.

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