
How can i save dolphines?

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i really really like dolphines. i went on you tube to look at videos of them then i saw these mean japanise people slaughter them like bushes i almost started crying what can i do to help?




  1. That's great that you want to help save the dolphins! I'm sure if you write a petition or something to that effect, maybe then you could help save them.

    I am not sure, how otherwise you could help save them because depending where you live, Japan is on the other side of the world. If you are that determined, I'm sure you'll figure something out. =)

  2. Hey I was watching something on Animal Planet one time, something having to do with "mystery," and in that, dolphins were found to be "playing target practice" with other sea creatures about the size of their young. Two instances carefully documented and studied were somewhere on the southern east coast of the US and maybe Ireland. The show took a while to get to the point, why these dead creatures laid on the shores with collapsed lungs. (At first they thought it was sonar or something.) Then finally it came to the conclusion that dolphins were torpedoing at high speeds into them in order to practice killing off their babies...? There was some video footage or something..

    Don't mean to put a damper on your purpose. *wink* Hey I'm just coming from a knowledge perspective. Dolphins are really nice and intelligent, except sometimes with their young, maybe it's some evolutionary technique/explanation.

  3. always keep them in water....

  4. Well you can start by calling them dolphins.  

    btw/ bushes can't be slaughtered because they're bushes, and not animals.  

    In all honesty, unless you went to Japan and made sure no one hurt dolphins, you really can't do anything.

  5. Go here and donate or something:

  6. Well they need hope. They need something to rally behind... a symbol of some sort. Perhaps you can fashion a costume from gray or blue fabric and become Dolphin Girl and save Dolphem City from terrorist-criminals like "The Fisherman" and "Jason Bait-man"  

    Edit: Here I drew a costume mock up to help:

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