
How can i save money?

by  |  earlier

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I feel stuck, I am currently on £11,500 a year which runs out to nearly £800 a month, i have a loan to pay which is £112.00 and gym membership which is £71.00 a month. I also have a mini cash ISA set up which takes out £30.00 a month not to mention board, car insurance etc. Well at the end of the month i barely left with £200. I am really stuck on how to save etc. I have a few job interviews lined up and hopefully these should be successful. Any ideas in the meantime to help me save? Does anyone know the best shop to buy cheap clothes but look expensive and will get your wear out. Please help.




  1. 71.00 / month seems high for a gym membership.  That is one thing you could probably one thing you could ditch and put that 71/month straight into savings.

    i've found that it seems for many people that at the end of the month they are broke no matter how much money they make. if you make an extra 500/month do you think you'd still be broke? if so you could probably do with 50/month less, which I woudl experiement with shoving that into savings account and see how it goes. if you survive a month or two with 50/month less, then throw 60 in there.

    good luck with the interview

  2. first start by ditching the 71.00 gym fees. take the 71.00 one time and go walmart and buy some work out equipment and work out at the park or in your yard or room. then limit luxuries and only buy bare nessesities for 3 weeks out of the month. only treat yourself or splurge in that 1 week window. if you cut out movies or eating out and clothes just a little each month you will be surprised how much difference you can see. at least 30.00 a week. and it adds up! i do it bi wkly. 2 weeks im good and dont buy anything and in th eother 2 weeks i buy stuff within reason.

  3. Gym at 71 is first to go, especially in summer. Jog around your block

    Buy supermarket own brand products, it's the same stuff only cheaper.

    Take toliet home from work, fill a flask at work and bring it home instaed of boiling the kettle for tea. Make your won lunch, take coffe in a flask not starbucks

    Visit a comparsions site and look at changing your gas, electricity and insurance to cheaper ones at a fixed rate price.

    Have a car boot sale or sell things on eBay that you no longer need or use
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