
How can i save my lion head goldfish?

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last week i restocked my goldfish tank and bought 2 lion head goldfish. i have never had them before and didn't know that they can struggle in a tank with other common goldfish. i have 2 other fantails and 2 common goldfish. my other lion head is doing fine and can swim quite fast and is having no problems feeding. my sick one is struggling however and really cant swim very well. it seems to lodge its self in a plant so it doesn't have to swim against the current (just have a standard filter its now all that powerful) and doesn't look like its managing to feed. is there anything i can do to save him? any suggestions!!!? thanks




  1. If fish are sick a little salt added to the water can often help heal them.  If they don't pull through, add more salt.  And vinegar, and chips.

  2. I agree with adding the freshwater salt. Also I have 2 female lion heads & they luv zuccini. The only thing is, is zuccini floats so it needs anchored down. I use the weights from bunched plants for mine & it works well. I would try that cuz you could put that zuccini slice right in front of it so it get a chance to eat. I would just keep an eye on it & make sure it doesn't have swim bladder. But most likely it just needs to adjust. I wish you luck.

  3. I would move him into his own tank, in that 100 gallon tank it must be hard for him to get around Fancy goldfish should not be with common goldfish because they are so much slower it is hard for them to get food. I would move the sick lion head into its own temporary tank to heal him.

  4. well I am a lionhead lover I have two myself (milo and otis)

    What about a tank divider? you can keep the two or the one lionhead in there until he is better also put some freshwater aquarium salt in there because it reduces stress. Can you turn your filter down? Can you get him another tank? When he does swim does he swim right or on his side? If he swims on his side that is swimbladder and I would be happy to tell you more about that. How big is your tank?

    EDIT: to me it sounds like swimbladder and sometimes can be cured there is medicine but I have never had any luck with it. Try feeding a boiled de shelled pea if you can I know it is hard to get him to eat. Also like I said the salt is really good! Sometimes they will recover I hope your lil guy makes it!

  5. Hi

    Youre right its not your fault , the guy who gave you the wrong info is and he should of known better unfortunately there are alot of pet shops that know nothing about proper care of their animals and just want to make a sale.

    You must get him a tank of his own or take him to a good  aquarist place so he'll be happy and safe.

  6. You should never keep fancies and commons together.  The commons are too quick and will eat all the food as well as torment the slower swimming fish.

    For 6 goldfish you should have a 70 gallon tank.  Keeping them in less will cause stunting, poor water quality and aggression.


  7. all the fishes needs time to adjust in their new places. give her some time to relax and feel comfortable. and she will eat and swim very well in about a week.

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