
How can i save pending messages in Yahoo groups inbox as moderator,even if i deleted it laterz?

by  |  earlier

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Dear i am moderator of a yahoo group, in my pending message inbox, there are so many important messages alongwith those unwanted messages which i dont want to forward it, but i want to save these messages on the web. I use "save to my web" but it save only those pages which i approved but not those which i deleted or rejected. Simply i need to save every page either this page moved or not? I hope you understand me.




  1. As far as I know, you cannot save the ones you delete or reject. You can only save the approved ones.

  2. set it so you get a notice in your inbox for pending- the only way to retain a copy is in your inbox-

    click the edit membership located on top of homepage near title- scroll down to bootm and you'll see 3 options with squaer boxes- check all you want notices for, check save changes

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