
How can i sell my 4500 sq.ft size store in famous shopping mall?

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How can i sell my 4500 sq.ft size store in famous shopping mall?




  1. Property Plus of The Hindu published on saturdays is an excellent forum to advertise sale/purchase of properties.

    you may also contact me with specific information on the property.

  2. Call a Realtor that is the best way

    Realtors have 90 % of buyers

    I am a REALTOR.

  3. You give advertisement in the Leading Magazines in important cities throughout India with Post Boxes , you will get lot of replies and you can settle the matter easily. Before giving advertisement you can give one more advertisement in some other paper for want of 4500 sq,ft., area size store by mentioning the name of the same mall and you get replies for that also. By keeping the two results together you can come to know the real market value and actual buyers in the market. Can you do that ?Yours VRVRAO

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