
How can i send all members the same file to their emails?

by  |  earlier

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1.I download a file thats a flier

2.i want to send it to all members or post it

3.when i try to post or email i cant acsess my files




  1. here's the skinny on this.

    You can upload the file to the FILE's link and send this to people, if you have the proper permissions to do so.

    if you do not have this permission, probably the best thing to do is.... on your email, write up the email you want to send, attach the file you want to send, and email it to the group as a message (using your email so that you can attach the message). Be aware that the attachment will not show on the message board of your group, but they will be in your group members emails. also be aware that not everyone subscribe to get group emails so they may not receive it.

    hope this helps.. and good luck!

  2. 1. You go to your group's Files section to upload the document, clicking "Add File."

    2. You will see a field and button allowing you to browse your computer for the file you wish to upload; a field to add a description (e.g., "July 2008 flier.")  Immediately below is a Notification checkbox with the label: "Send a message to the group announcing this file."  If you check this, everyone on the list will receive an announcement that this file has been uploaded and is available for them to download.  (It won't mail as an attachment.)

    3.  Needless to say, if the moderators deem this to be spam, you will be banned, so verify that you are allowed to do this.

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