
How can i seperate a bedroom from a living room,covering the whole area from ceiling to the floor,without nail

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a divider covering the ceiling and the floor,with one door in the bedroom,just nailing on the walls?




  1. Build a fabric and wood screenhinging four or five panels together. Make it equal to the height of the room and two to three feet longer than the width of the room, once extended. The width part is so that the screen can stand up -- if you stretch it out completely it will be too straight to stand up.

  2. Build your wall frames and section for the door in three seperate pieces.

    Attach two 2x4's to each wall  (widest side down) using sturdy wood screws so you can remove the boards and repair the holes and still have the wood to reuse later.  

    Your wall sides will attach to those so it will be sturdy.  

    To build your faux wall you will make sepeart totally framed out boxes for one side of the wall,then the door section (with no bottom and you do want bottoms on your wall sections ) and the last side of the wall.  

    Each box will be from floor to ceiling.  First framed box goes in and you can strudy it even more with 2x4's between it every 3 to 4 foot.  

    Make sure to measure twice and cut once.

    Lay out your wall framing outside and build it on the ground first.  Don't totally s***w it together until after you bring it inside.  Keep in mind that you want it totally to the floor BUT NOT TOTALLY TO THE CEILING OR YOU'LL NEVER GET IT RAISED...

    Allow yourself 8-12 inches and you can always put dry wall where the boards end to hide the space.  

    Next attach the floor to ceiling door seciton and a double toppers and the don't forget your to leave the bottom open.  Make sure your width of the door framing is wide enough.  You can always add but once in ----it's bad to take away on a faux wall.  Put dividers in and make the top complete.

    Last but not least measure the space left.  No house is square and not builder is perfect.  Make your last framing to fit the space you have left and ta-da...

    You have your wall and if you want you can remove it and keep the wood for another faux project.

    Put insulation in for sound proofing.  

    Good luck.

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