
How can i shave my horses ears for shows?

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I frequently show my quarter horse mare in halter classes and in western pleasure. Espesialy for halter class i really need to shave out her ears. But she freaks out even when i use scissors. she does okay when i use the clippers to shave her bridle path, but if i try to get near her ears she flips!! Does any one have any suggestions that i can use wiyth out hurting me or my horse???? =(




  1. My mare is the same way.  I can take that clipper all around her but the second I start to clip inside the ear she tosses her head and snorts.

    It's the vibration and the noise vibrating down into her ear.

    It's not because she can't be touched there.  I can stick my finger in her ear.  

    Desensitizing the ear is not the only answer here.  (Especially since my mare is desensitized to touch already)

    I don't show so it wasn't a big deal for me.  I HAVE heard that if you put a 'horse' earplug in it will help.  Someone just said somewhere to use a tampon for an earplug. :)

    Touch her ear with the clippers and retreat.  Rub her poll and around her ear area then do it again.

    Make sure to not pull on the ear.

    That's all I can give you for advice. I never worked through the issue since it wasn't pertinent to me.  But this is what I did to start her on trimming just the outter ear.

    Good luck!

  2. try cutting the extra hairs with scissors

  3. i never cliped the inside of my horses ears for halter class's.

    I did  tirm then up with a pair of small sheers to give a neat appearance.  Several judges  asked why I hadn't cliped and I told them a horse needs that hair to protect his ears from insects and dirt, removeing it was just asking for problems.   They must have liked the answer, because I won my fair share of the time.

    if you feel you have to do it.  use small sheers to trim it short, most horses wont object to that nearly as much as trimers.  And you can use blunt tip ones to be safe

  4. we always used twitches on the saddlebreds i showed. they really don't hurt the horse that much, just redirect the focus. you can do it the long way and work a lil each day with clippers until she gets used to it also. start with just the clippers and touching her ears. then just turn on the clippers and touch the ears with your hands, then start to clip. this will take prolly a few months, but should do the trick too.

  5. Buy a twitch. They work well But you will neet 2 people. One person has to hold the twitch, but your horse will be caml! (unless your my horse :-D )

  6. yeah well why dont you just have a vet come and help you with it...becuse i hd the same problem with my horse:(

  7. If you could get someone to help you and get her mind off of what you're doing, that could help.  We usually have a person hold the other ear so they are not focused on the one being clipped.

  8. I have just begun this technique with my Quarter Horse mare...  I let her feel my hands in and around her ears so she gets accustomed to it.

    If you are looking for a one-time solution, you can use a twitch around her nose. That does not injure her, it just takes her mind of the clippers. This way your mare will be calm, and you won't get hurt. :) Good luck! ♥

  9. A twitch usually works well.  But failing that, I know there are different opinions, but I'm not opposed to "better horses through chemistry".  A little bit of dormosedan, and zip, zap, they're done with no fighting.  Most of my guys I can do by myself, but when dear hubby's 17hh monster gelding decides he doesn't want them done, it's safer and easier for everyone to tranq him, do it, and get it over with.  Not worth getting hurt over.

  10. I use a humane twitch and I try to shave as quickly as I can... If possible get some practice on an older horse who doesn't mind. That way you can hone your skill and be ready to do a nice quick job on your horse.

    good luck!

  11. With clippers you just let her get used to the sound by holding it away from her and then start slowley getting closer and eventually to the ears.

  12. ahhhh, I swear, Ive answered this question a thousand times, I have been a professional show groom and in the biz for 30+ yrs. You have to use a twitch or a lip chain........there are no 2 ways about it. You could try and teach her but you take the risk of getting hurt, bashed in the head, or bit ......get some help. twitch her, and clip her ears in about 5 minutes. Its over and done.....horses dont hold grudges and she'll forget about it in no time.

  13. Yes Dont worry I tohught the same thing when I heard I had to do this because like you I show alot in POny Hunters so the pony has to look very nice! Ince you learn how it very fun. First does your horse get spooked at strange noises? If so use the manual shaver a small plastic item or if he/shes not then the faster way is eletrical clipper. All you have to do is use the shaver to get out any hair INSIDE the horses ear if you think you accidently got hair down his ear dont worry because you horse willl shake his head to get it out. For Begginers I reccomend manual plastic clipper because its safer.

    Hope this helped


  14. My trainer has a horse like that.

    If you have to, you could close her ear shut and use scissors to clip the long, fuzzy hair.

    You aren't even really supposed to shave the inside of a horse's ear. It's their protection against flies, bugs, rain, ect.

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