
How can i ship some paper documents to vietnam?

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is it true it takes 3 months to get there?




  1. Unless you travel with Marco Polo, it shouldn't take 3 months to ship documents to Vietnam even with a good ol' US Postal Service.

    My sister moved her whole house from Paris to St Jose (US) and it didn't take 3 months although some of her stuff had to ship by freight.

    Use FedEx. They do have service in Vietnam.

  2. take your parcel to the post office

  3. FedEx, DHL, EMS are good for about a 1 week delivery. I get magazines from the UK and Germany and they take about 2 or 3 weeks. I get a regular mail forwarding package that takes about 3 weeks to arrive - and at least one of those has gone missing during the last 4 years.

  4. I love Vietnam but after spending some years there  I realised that its post service is much below many expectations. Letters never arrived, were rejected without my consent or arrived day I found one of mine open in the middle of the street 2 blocks away from my home. If your documents important, do use a courier service.

  5. noo noo noo 1 week 2 10 days max

  6. just stuff it in an envelope and take it to the post office. they can ship international and it wouldnt take 3 months... i've sent things over seas and it took as soon as 1 week. if you want it to get there in a specific time, you can pay $$$ and have it there in a few days.

  7. fed ex would be the best. most expensive but the most reliable

  8. Technically 3 to 5 days to send the mail to VN, but it seats at the post office in VN very long time. You can send with private senders who warranty your mail on time. I use Fedex all time. It won't cost much if you send documentation in Fedex envelop.

  9. FED EX ....geeez

  10. heard of email??

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