
How can i show and prove my boyfriend?

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that i still love him from the very start..till now.. that i love him more and more each day.

What are some things i can do?

how do i show him?

how do you show your love one how much you love them?




  1. Give him in the A*s :)))))

  2. go on a scavenger hunt

  3. Give him a really long *******. Haha.

  4. Well, first, you can unzip his jeans...

  5. You try acting really nice to him and buy him things and prove to him that you love him. I wouldn't act to nice because being a boy myself, the last thing that I and probably other boys don't want is a very clingy girlfriend. Try and get him nice things but don't do it everyday or he might think your a little creepy and don't smile all the time your around him or he might think it's creepier. Trust me! Hope I helped. Keep smiling. : )

  6. Tell him

    "i love you so much, more than I could everr.

    you light up my day & you seal the night with just one word. you mean everything to me,  && i would never wanna lose you. you make me feel so special and perfect whenever im around you. i hope u kno that!"

  7. I would just sit down and explain to him how you feel. That is the best way to show and have him understand where you are coming from. Just do whatever is in your power to make him happy. Some gift ideas that I have done... Of course flowers and card. Letters. But I went out for my husband when we were just dating one day and put together a gift bag. With all of his favorites and some memories of me and him. Just do what ever you can to make him happy

  8. tell him

    make him a collage of pictures of the 2 of you

    make him a mix of songs that you 2 enjoy together

    make him a picnic

    bake him a cake

    write him out a really nice card

  9. It is the little things that count... like making him dinner, giving him a hig and a kisses out of nowhere... telling him u love him... taking him out on a special date little things

  10. Hmm, you just have to do little things for him.

    You knoww, leave him little suprise presents around, cook him his favorite meal that he wasn't expecting, give him massages when he gets back from a rough day, hold his hand around your friends, look into his eyes, buy him flowers to brighten up his day, tell him that you truly love him and you'd do anything for him, listen to him when he talks, watch old movies with him and fall asleep in his arms.. I can get really sappy, ahah. I'm glad that you have love, treasure it [:

  11. You show them by your actions.

    You are willing to sacrifice your time and energy to help, or be there for him if he asks.

    But not because you neeed to but because you want to.

    You have to be honest with him, if you say you ared doing one thing actually do that, dont turn arond and do something else.

    And if he talks to you listen, really listen they like knowing that when they talk they are actually listen to, dont hog the conversation they know that girls like to talk but they want a word in edgeways too.

    And they want to know that you actually listen to what they say, it makes them feel good.

    You can also show it with your eyes,

    By looking deep into his eyes during a conversation or quiet moment , and it will let him know.

    And you can tell him ever so often.

    That is what

    i would do.

  12. both of you can communicate and talk about each other needs. you need to give him attention. don't neglect him.

  13. send him flowers.  i know boys do that to girls, but trust me, it lets them know that your thinking of them.  Also you can cook him a meal.  Getting guys r through there stomach!

  14. Yous shouldn't really have to prove anything. He should know by anything you've done for him. If you've been there for him, help him with stuff, tell him you love him. It's the small things that count.

    But if you want to prove it to him, maybe write him something.

    Everything I said I did myself and he knew.

  15. Show up at his house unnanounced.  If he's not there, call all of his family and friends, to find him.  If he has a job, go there and wait all day, if necessary, to talk to him.  Tell him over and over again, how you'd die without him.  This always works.  And most importantly, cry alot when you talk about how much you love him. I'm a guy,, I know, because this worked for me.  I married her 9 years ago.

  16. You can tell him.  You can be faithful and devoted and loving.  You can be considerate of his needs and feelings.  You can treat him with respect and admiration.

    You do NOT need to prove your love by being a doormat or a concubine.  If he can't believe in your love without such proof, then he never will.

  17. My bf and I tell each other those things everyday. I guess I've never tried to set out and prove it. We just say and see it in the little things that we do for each other. You know, things like, He takes care of me when I'm sick and makes my favorite breakfasts for me. And I do the same for him. It really is in the little things and words that we say.

    Good Luck. :)

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