
How can i sleep at night without getting my hair tangled?

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i have short hair like about 5 inches below my shoulders and my mom doesn't want to braid it.I have a lot of hair and I shower every night and comb it at night but in the morning it's all tangled HELP ME PLZ!!!

I'm only 10 years old so I can't braid myself.




  1. Well you could invest in a silk pillow case to use which SHOULD leave it tangle free or shiny, other then that brush it before you go to bed and try to lay still, it might just be because your tossing and turning all night becausee your uncomfortable. Try to adjust your room how YOU like it, even if it means using blakets and stuff. Hope this helps and as you get older it will get better!!! Trust me I've been in your exact position.

  2. well the problem is u take a shower at night so what happens is your hair is still wet when u go to bed i figured that out when i was your age and learned how to braid when i was nine but you can also put your hair in a ponytail like this

    but with more ponytails in your hair and plz dont cut ur hair off   \\\\

    hope this helps good luck!

  3. get a satin pillowcase

    and why cant you braid?

    its easy!

    10 year olds should be at least able to braid hair

    have your mom show you how to braid it or go on youtube and watch and intructional video

  4. Do you use conditioner when you shower? Because when I was younger, my hair would be really tangly but then my mom told me to start using conditioner as a detangler and now I wake up and my hair isn't hard to comb. Ever. Except for when I'm in the wind.

    I'm not quite sure but I think getting a silk pillow case can help with the softness so it might be easier to comb through in the morning. You could tie it up with you sleep (like just a simple ponytail) but my mom says it's not good because you're hair needs oxygen. There are these sleeping hat things you wear when you sleep to help reduce the tangles but I don't own one so I don't know if it really works.

  5. Separate your hair into two sections and make two very high pigtails. It will look a little funny, but your hair should be a lot less tangled in the morning.

  6. You could put your hair in two plats?

    That's what i do and it doesn't get tangled

  7. well first of all 5 in below your shoulders is pretty long so id say put your hair into a pony tail litterally on top of your head thats wat i do it looks silly but it keeps it from knotting upp

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