
How can i sober up while drinking?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering if theres anyways i can drink a few, stop for a lil do something (Tricks?), then continue again without getting so smashed or forget what happend.. And still feel like i ended my night good? And not feeling empty like im missing something.

My drinking is pretty random its been ok lately..

but its been bad also...

Heres what happend in my 5 days of drinking.

Day 1 - 3 Mickeys = Blackout.

Day 2 - 1 Mickeys 16 Budlights = Blackout.

Day 3 - 14 Keystones = Lasted but i just passed out i remembered everything

Day 4 - 6 Coronas 3 Budlights = Smooth night i felt sober at the end, But i felt like something was missing that i didnt do enough and wanted to party still before i went to sleep. (alcoholic sign?)

Day 5 - 1 22oc of Modelo 8 Keystones = Passed out rememberd most of the night just made me tired.




  1. d**n, it sounds like we should start hanging out. I could use another drinking buddy.

  2. im gonna take wat u said with a grain of salt because i know people exagerate when they drink because ur blacking out i doubt u know the exact #s.  If u r blacking out then u r drinking way to much and u r prolly gonna wake up with a giant p***s drawn on ur head hahaha.  i used to wonder wat that emptiness was when i would go to parties and i think it is basically not so much how much u drink or didnt but how much fun u had at the party itself ie if it was fun there were there girls(or guys) that i wanted to hook up with or did i feel comfortable so yes that is normal.  U prolly need to cut back awhile i went 7days straight a lil while ago and i felt pretty empty twords the end prolly cause i was tired.  O and pregame before u drink eat greasy food and lots of water.  Try not to pee a lot and if u need to sober up water and plain ole bread will do it.  The best is a late night run to Jack n the box 24 hour 2 tacos for a dollar and Yumbo yacks mmmm

  3. Judging by that list you pretty much know your tolerance to just drink till you are buzzed and maintain that. Don't KEEP drinking continuously. chill out for a bit and then drink another beer.

    You better be 21 !!

  4. The only way you can sober up while drinking is to drink alittle & eat something, then drink alittle & eat somthing.  You will never sober up if you are on a mission to get a buzz.  Evidently Mickey's doesn't  work well with you.  If you are out to get drunk, like it sounds, you don't want to hear anyone tell you how to not get drunk.  And yes, it sounds like you might be working on a big problem.  You have to have self control.  Without self control you have nothing & it sounds like you ain't got it!

  5. With passing out that many times you may have a problem. I would slow down on the drinking. Just drink until you feel good. It's better to drink and have fun then drink and have a lil fun and then pass out. When you feel you are getting to drunk try to eat something. Bread helps alot!

  6. Dude, cut that out. You're killing yourself.

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