
How can i socialize and find a best friend?

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I'mm 24 and just got married. Ive always had problems with friends and having best friends-i never could really mix in.With my husband, he is my soul mate, best friend and lover. But having him only isnt enough for me. I need a female best friend so we can chat on the feminine stuff - its not the same with my husband. I find it very hard to open up to people and talk - i just go blank. Probably, people think im a snob but im really just shy and dont know what to say. People in my country (Malta) love to gossip on people all the time and i really hate it. I was brought up in Australia and people there were different - nobody cared if you walked outside with your pajamas or got out of the house with scruffy hair - neither do i care nor do i want to know anyone to talk about! Ive been here in Malta for 11 years and simply hate it! No social life (not close with parents)! even at work, there's one stong "gang" and they dominate everything... this whole thing really sucks...

Please help...




  1. i know how it feels ive been there and not going back..  

    you should prob tell ur husband that you feel this way

    after all you guys are married and should beabel to talk

    about anything and he should beabel to understand what your

    going through.

  2. Well, I would get into activities that gives you that chance to talk and connect with others. Maybe yoga, or pilates, or if you're into sports, maybe a team that meets to practice. Or you could have a social gathering and invite some other woman in your neighborhood. This gives you a chance to get to know them, and find out if you can be friends with them. It also gives them a chance to know you. Good luck......and I hope everything works out! :)

  3. Go to your local gymnasium and take some aerobic classes women are usually friendly in those places given that exercise helps stress levels decrease. Always have a smile on your face so that people wont think you're a snob and besides having a smile on you're face makes you more approachable hen a mean face. Good Luck.

  4. I suggest very few folk really enjoy another Country  or really fit in .

    Iam treading on soil I know nothing of but I thought Malta had a big British community,which I think maybe more you  Aussis and Brits are normal bed fellows I blame Ralph Harris ,Skippy and "Life within these walls" and Cell block H   lol and we all want to live in Ramsey Street ..

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