
How can i speed up my metabolism?

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I was on drugs from the doctor which contained sibutrimean, which would speed up my metabolism, give me more energy and help me lose weight, but i just cant afford them anymore and i dont want to turn to buying "speed" off the street... (redbull contains far to much sugar lol) does anyone know what else i can do or take to help give me an energy boost and please dont reply if your just gonna harp on about healthy bollox... all i eat is salad and veg.




  1. Eat regularly and healthily and excercise excercise excercise.

    All that healthy boll*cks as you so moronically put it, is the only way you will have a good healthy metabolism and maintain homeostasis. (Im a nurse and ex soldier so trust me when I say I know a thing or two about this!)

  2. In a word, exercise. Also an excellent way to lose weight is Weight Watchers. You don't have to go to meetings, you can join online and work the program online...from where ever.

    Back to exercise, unless you have a physical problem, simply walk. I know a guy who was very overweight who lost a ton of weight and he said all he did was walk after supper. He walked until he was tired. It's as simple as that.

    Good luck.


  4. Your body has become reliant on the drugs to give you energy and now you're feeling very sluggish. Don't let this stop you in your goals! Continue your routine of diet and exercise (the exercise bit is very important). In addition, be sure to take in a lot of foods with B vitamins, which will help give you energy. It's just a matter of time before your body realizes that it does not need the drugs to sustain good energy levels. And with the added muscle from your exercise routine, your metabolism will be boosted even while resting.

  5. I am afraid most good doctors already know that diet pills are both unsuccessful, and often in the case of the sort of thing you are talking about dangerous, and therefore don't ever prescribe them. Weight loss requires willpower and long term commitment. The problem with your question is that if you look in "search for questions" it comes up 30 times every day. I have had some criticism for repeatedly using the same answer, but since I am happy with my answer, and the questions are the same, I don't see the issue with recycling the same answer.

    In practise for problems that came up on a regular basis we tended to use patient leaflets to avoid having to repeat ourselves this seemed a sensible use of resources. What follows is thus in effect me information leaflet.

    Weight loss and fitness is always a long term commitment and never a quick fix. If you really want to reduce your weight a bit, this is a complex regime, that should help, I would get a pencil to write it down, in case you forget any of the intricate details.

    Currently only using the criteria 'lose weight' there are 9,419 questions and answers on Answers already. Mis-spell it as 'loose weight' and you get another 2,633! 'Weight loss' will add another 1,883. 'Too fat ' 15,515 and 'overweight' 2,692 and 'over weight' 26,269!!!!!.

    'Diet Pills' gives 607, Green tea 482, Hoodia 195, 'pink patch' 119, 'Xenical' 91 'Reductil' 78, 'Slim fast' 215 (and Slimfast 69 ), lipotrim 44 and 'orlistat' 40 . Do you spot a pattern here? OMG that is 60,000 questions with the same basic theme, wanting to lose weight!

    Here comes the only answer, no tricks, no pills, no short cuts, If you really want to lose weight, loose weight, not be too fat or overweight, follow these instructions carefully:-

    1) Eat less

    2) Take regular vigorous exercise

    Repeat 1 + 2 forever

  6. A healthy reduced calorie diet and vigorous exercise daily. Clearly your doing someone wrong in your diet, otherwise you would be looking to lose weight!

    Obviously this excludes hyperthyroidism and all rare metabolism issues which can cause weight gain

  7. a good way to speed up metabolism is when doing exercise like cardio try inreval training as this is very good at keeping your metabolism at a high level even a day after your workout and also doing supersets when weight training will also rev up your metabolism.

    here's a 2 sites that have information on both. the 1st site is about interval training and the 2nd is about supersets.

    good luck and hope i helped  

  8. Hi, there!

    You can speed up your metabolism in several good ways. There are foods to eat, foods to avoid, a pattern of eating, and specific exercises that will all speed up metabolism if done properly. The methods work well together and they are sustainable long term.

    First, eat a meal about every 3 waking hours (5 or 6 meals per day). You will not be eating more food; you will simply be spreading it throughout the day. Each of those 5 or 6 feedings should contain at least 15 grams of unprocessed protein (from natural sources) for a female or at least 20 grams per feeding for a male. Also, drink plenty of water. Increase your intake daily until you are consuming at least 3 quarts daily--and one gallon daily would be better.

    Second, eliminate processed (refined) carbohydrates from your diet. Processed (refined) carbohydrates have negative effects on health. They can also cause weight gain and slow down metabolism. When digested all carbohydrates turn into sugar, and sugar becomes fat. So, think of eating carbohydrates as eating sugar and think of eating processed (refined) carbohydrates as eating concentrated sugar.

    If you want to speed up your metabolism to lose body fat, allow yourself only 40 to 70 grams of carbohydrates daily. Get those carbohydrates from natural sources such as (preferably organic) fresh vegetables and low carb fruits. There is no minimum daily requirement for carbohydrates, but they do have many beneficial phytochemicals and fiber so eating some is fine (as long as they are unprocessed).

    Third, begin a program of mild fitness exercise (cardio) such as brisk walking. For example, today go for a walk at the best pace you can manage until you are comfortably tired. Note how far you walked. The day after tomorrow, go for another walk but increase the distance slightly. Continue walking every other day until you are walking 4 miles.

    Once you are able to do that, slightly increase your pace with each walk until you are walking those 4 miles in just under 1 hour every other day. This will burn many extra calories during an immediately after your walks.

    Fourth, begin a strength training program to increase your lean muscle mass. Lean muscle is a METABOLIC FURNACE that will burn extra calories 24 HOURS DAILY. Male or female, young or old, everyone can lose body fat this way.

    (Before altering your exercise habits, you may wish to obtain the blessing of your personal physician.)

    I hope this information helps you.

    All my best wishes.

  9. high intensity cardio interval training.  

  10. run fatboy run

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