
How can i spend more time with my daughter?

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i'm a single dad and i need to spend more time with my daughter. she's 1 year old. i'm in my Senior year of high school, and she has started to think that since i was home all summer it will always be like that. she cried when i left this morning, and she doesn't like to be away from me for very long. i got home and had to do some home work and didn't get to spend but about an hour with her. what can i do so i can spend more time with her.




  1. You are doing right by her, by finishing school. Don't feel so guilty, she's one. Just try to be the one to give her a bath and rock her a little before you put her to bed. Try to be the one that does that for her and take time on the weekends to be there for her. It's easy to make a one year old love you. You are a good dad for the mere fact that you actually care about spending time with her...very mature.

  2. First off...congratulations for loving your daughter enough to want to spend time with her!  You are teen ager and a dad and that is very young.  Most men your age are dodging that responsibility.  

    your daughter will learn to understand.  right now she is at that age where they are afraid if you are out of sight you won't come back.   Read her a story or play with her a few minutes before you go..and when you come home play with her ...your homework can wait until she is in bed.  It is difficult because I am sure you are tired too...but you need to spend quality time with her as she IS your responsibility.  Make sure you keep up with your homework too...that is important so you can provide for her.

  3. Just make sure you spend a little time with her as soon as you get home while you relax and then again before she goes to bed. Break your 1 hour up into 3 twenty minute sessions and it will probably feel like more time to her.

  4. I am very happy to see that there is a few good men like you out there that are willing to be there for their child.  I'm also proud that you are finishing your education, that is very admirable and in the long end will help you find  a good profession. I'm sorry she doesn't get to spend much time with her, but don't beat yourself up you are being a great father from what I've read here. One way you can spend time and still get homework done is make a game out of it with her, give her a big sheet of paper and some tadoodles (or those fat triangle crayons from crayola)  and give it to her letting her do 'her homework' along with you.  Or on your days off (if you get any that is) take her to the zoo or a nearby park and let her experience the sand and swings.  I know it's hard for you but I have faith you can do it.  I'll pray for you and in the source box I've left you with some sites you might find interesting. Good luck in parenthood!

  5. bond over a couple of tuna fish sandwiches

  6. You are such an amazing father at such a young age!!  Pat yourself on the back.  There are many "GROWN" men out there that are not as responsible and attentive as you are!  By finishing your education, you are giving your daughter a better life.  On weekends, have some special daddy time with her.  Take her to a park, for a walk or just play!!  

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