
How can i spend the time usefully?

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How can i spend the time usefully?




  1. YES.

  2. pls read interesting novels, self-study books, search online anything which is interesting on ur viewpoint, learn any instruments, do any course, do any part time job. It's upto ur wish.

  3. catogery u chose is self explanatory.

    read gud novels.

    maybe by reading books of ur interest or learn playing some musical instrument.

    well best of luck & happy new year

  4. The category under which you asked the question itself is self explanatory.


  6. Well if you a school student then you can't always study or read books......obviously,so you can spend your some time for charity and some times watching informative channels on  T.V to enhance your knowledge............AND if you have already passed 12.......then you can always do good to others by helping poor and spend time surfing informative sites on net.....

  7. The most useful way would be to serve the society because that way, not only do you help yourself, but others too, hence improving hundreds of lives.

    Start by teaching a few, or collecting funds for the poor, etc.

    All the best. Happy Nw Year.

  8. yo!

    you can start by reading story will help u to improve ur reading.if u want do something different from education u can dance or surf the net.  good luck!

    yo! happy new year

  9. maybe  not here....

    well. it was just a suggestion! maybe you could be learning something!  it happens, sometimes......

  10. dont sit on the net!

  11. The first thing you should do is try to read, if you already do, then don't listen to me at all(^^).

    Next thing, go out with friends during weekends (or you can stay online and be a geekish bum like me 0.o)

    The last thing I would do is go clubbing and get myself into loads of danger. If you wanna go then you could (I know I would get into loads of danger/trouble. I'm really loud and always want attention, so... you just have to really use you're head and measure the probabilities on this one. hm.).

    Oh, and before that.... you could always TRAVEL!!! YAY! I do that already and its so fun, but ya gonna need a camera for the trip to be fulfilling.

    That's all I have to say. Good luck.

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