
How can i spike a volleyball better?

by  |  earlier

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im a soph playing on jv as an outside hitter. im about 5'4 and im like 4 or 5 inches off from touchin a basketball rim.

when i hit outside most my hits are mostly out, sometimes hits the net and rolls over, or doesnt even go over at all. so during games im scared to hit the ball so i just tip the ball over.

are there tips/ways for me to spike better?

i can get on top of the ball but never can contact the ball at the heel of my hand. my form and timing i think is pretty bad but i think my 3 step approach is pretty decent heh..

much advice would be chill =]




  1. Hi

    you need to practice your timing for both your approach and your ball hit.

    1) to better your ball hit timing : stand in front of a wall with both feet on ground, toss your ball up (at least 0,20 m in front of you) and hit it, spiking it downward so it bounces off the floor, to the wall and comes back at least at the same position you hit it before. Try to repeat it consecutively. *Tips* : if you use your right hand to hit the ball, your left foot should be closer to the wall than your right -- try to snap your wrist each time you hit the ball to give it more spin motion -- always hit the ball over and in front of your head -- try to be fluid in your arm swing like you were using a bow and arrow targeting the ball.

    2) to better your approach timing : ask someone to set you balls. For each set, try to jump as high as you can and catch the ball with both hands as high as you can but always over the top of the net. You can ask your setter to vary the passes, like setting you a 4, a 3 etc...

    If you feel you're getting better, you can add jumping in exercise 1 and spiking in exercise 2.

    In my opinion, spike power comes last, cause you need to master your spike skill before...just like learning to ride a bike, step after step.

    If you're worried about blocks, you should start working on your vertical leap. When you jump higher, you'll have a better view of the opponent's court, you'll have better angles for your spike and who knows, maybe you'll be able to do over block spikes ;)

  2. with the right approach of your the song says

    "My dream is to fly

    Over the rainbow so high"....

    when you spiking is like and u fly ...ooooooh yeah I like it

    I know that your are strong many times my coach told to again and again tip now is to do small steps to be prepared and when the ball is in the high position,, start doing your 3 steps left, right, left or right, left, right

    Be sure that your hand is straight when you spike....

    and do some exercises of your shoulders with less weight

    Show your personal power!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I didn't see the most important suggestion for spiking a volleyball in the answers yet.  As you approach the ball that has been set, you must watch the top of the ball.  Imagine a spot on the ball that has a line running down through it to the floor in the direction you want the ball to go.  From there it is a matter of contacting that imaginary spot.  Snapping your wrist will cause a top spin which will also foil your opponents digs.

  4. Make sure you jump "behind the ball" instead of "under" the ball, so that you can put your body weight on your hitting hand and bring the ball down. If you jump under the ball it would be hit upward and go out of bound.

    So you've got the three step approach, you got your vertical, you jumped behind the ball. Then you need to swing and make contact, snapping your wrist on contact, and follow through after the contact.

  5. Timing is always real important, you need go off on your approch right after the setter has realsed the ball from her hands. Having a 3 step approch gives you a lot more power.  if is goes out you need to adjust your shoulders to the spot you want to make the kill. My coach told me when i had the same problem is to do my approch in front of the mirrior and youll relize what you are doing wrong.

  6. Well for one, you are not being "g*y" enough.

    Being "g*y" means that you flip your wrist down.

    You need to aim for the middle not on the sides.

    You take the steps, right foot left foot, together and jump up.

    At this motion youbring your arms back and get pumped up so you can jump higher and when you swing your arms up it helps you to jump.

    Then you take your left arm and right arm.

    You start with yor left straight out in front then you take your right from the back and swing your arm forward to get ready to spike, but at the same time you bring the left back, remember to do this fast. It helps ALOT!

    but only if you understand what your suppose to do.

  7. make sure that you practice your aproach..that is very important. also make sure that you snap your wrists right as you hit the ball =]]

  8. If you're in the front stand as close to the net as possible then they wont expect it when it comes over............

    goooooood luck :):):):):)XD

  9. you would want to take 3 steps before hiting the ball...

    if you are right handed you would step with your right leg then left then right.

    then snap your wrist, and hit the ball. :)

    but if you were left handed you would do the oppisite.

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