
How can i start acting as a child?

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i'm 13 years old girl

i've been in acting since i'm really so long

i act almost everyday infront of the mirror

i love watching movies , and learn stuff about acting

how can i start acting?

usually actors are skinny and really pretty, i'm not skinny! does it matter ? and all of them can dance,i dont really can . ..

i really wanna start this dream , but how?i'm scared to start and fail ...

to go for auditions .. because my friend told me they ask people to cry infront of the judges, but i cant cry just like that, but actually it depends on my mood ....

where should i go audition?i'm really scared, can you help me ?

thank you alot





  1. Best place for most kids is in school.  Start with as many small parts in as many plays as you can do.  Also work backstage.  Once you start hanging around the theater you'll meet other interested kids and you can easily write and perform little videos.  Ask you English teacher to suggest a few plays for outside reading.  Of course you can dance.  No problem being a little fat.  There are always more character parts than stars.

  2. Start with local acting classes. Call local theaters and they should help you find some. Also look in your yellow pages. Start small with classes. If you have talent they will help you get an agent.

  3. Get your parents to help with this.OK.


    You want to start by going to an agency. Yes. They are always looking for extras and advertisment people. They have a lot of them so it will only be now and then that you get to do anything.

    The agency will need your parents to sign consent forms and releases for you.

    You will need a set of photographs taken.

    They are put into a portfolio. It has your pictures, a list of what you have done already, experience, etc, etc.

    When the agent gets a call for, oh say 12 kids to be on a roller coaster for a scene  he will send them a stack of portfolios to look at and choose from.

    Maybe you get to be riding a roller coaster in some movie.

    Maybe they just want you in a crowd looking away from the camera (Ah the glories of being an extra)

    You should also check out the actor's unions. They function partly as hiring halls.

    People needing extras for a film shot call the actor's unions and they look through what their agents have sent them

    (the unions are much more honest).

    Most unions put you through a 2 or 3 day evening course to teach you how to behave on set.

    Many people that get into acting only do it part time and have other jobs that actually pay their living. Very few work enough that it is a full time job paying a living.

    The ones who become famous, well I bet you can name most of them, and a lot of them are from acting families.

    But, you never know.

    Join the drama club at school, take some acting courses, do some amatuer roles, get a portfolio working and get your name into the actors guild hall.

    You might actually make it, or you might actually not, but at least you will have given it a shot.

    Break a leg.

  4. look at adam sandler! and others like that their fat and ugly and havent cryed in a single movie. if you have passion in acting then judges can see that and your passion will come through. you just have to pick a catogory youll do best in. are you going to be a comic actor or a drama actor or a mesterious type.

  5. find drama classes, they train you and people who make movies, ads, tv shows, ask people at drama classess

  6. crying on cue isn't as important as it seems, if you go on an audition you won't have to do that and if you do fake it. It's great you've been acting for a while it sounds like you've been in a few plays, that's a great start keep being in as many plays as you can. You should start looking into taken acting lessons.. i took lessons at John Casablanca's ( a lot of people say it's a scam but it was one of the best things I've done) they help you put together your resume, teach you how to go on an audition and different acting tequnecs and also get head shots! (another really  good place is John Robert Powers) It does cost money, but it's really good experience. Next i would get an agent -- they know the most about getting you auditions. And if your not skinny it's okay it really depends on what kind of character there looking for when you audition if there looking for a skinny person then they'll get it, but remember rejection is a HUGE part of acting if you don't get the part it's not because your bad it's because you weren't right for the character, but don't stop keep auditioning. Good Luck :)

  7. yes u can..doesn't matter if u'r not skinny..u could make gym..=P

    follow your dream..

  8. Skinny? Pretty?

    Have you seen "Ugly Betty" or "King of Queens" or "Still Standing?" Have you seen any Chris Farley movies, or Danny DeVito or Kirstey Alley?

    Don't worry about your body image. If you're unhappy with it, you're young enough to change it. But don't let it interfere with your dream. Otherwise, follow the advice of the previous answerers about acting classes. It's good advice.

    And not all actors are good dancers. Some are, some not. They also can't all sing well. Again, if you want to, get lessons. Although it's not necessary, it will improve the odds of finding work.

  9. nour

    youve just got to believe on your self if you say your a good actress then you are.

    i cant really think of films you could star in except angelics in the subtle knife.

    dont worry if you cant cry on the spot you can learn to do it

    i also act infront of the mirror and i bet your really good

  10. get classes at school do plays. get experience build up yur resume. and then get an agent. you have to work ur way up the success ladder. for more info go to and

    you ahve to search around the site to get your answer it wont just pop up infront of u

    it doesnt matter you see actors that are big look at the girl from ugly betty

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