
How can i start bakery business with minimum budget?

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i need second hand bakery machine to start mybusiness so can you guide me how to make quality bakery proudct




  1. So you want to start a bakery without any "dough"? Well; it isn't going to be a "piece of cake". I would seek out foreign investors, especially the "Danish". Just be careful not to get "creamed filling" out the paperwork. The lawyers can really "mix you up", but they aren't all "bad eggs". They just take a small "slice" of the "pie".

    The stress of such a venture could lead to marital strife. Remember to never "batter" your wife. "I sing" at weddings and a good marriage is a rare thing. Send her "flowers" all the time and "milk" it for all that its worth.

  2. Quality bakery products is more a commitment by the baker than anything else. Now you also say with minimum budget, then it is upto you with budget constraints how much quality can you produce.

    You may go for good quality, less number of items; then your business volume, product variety etc. may get affected. Competition may beat you.

    Sit down with cool head and see with the budget limitations, what and how much can you produce and market? If you find feasibility positive, then only go for the venture.

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