
How can i start drinking again?

by Guest63520  |  earlier

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About a month ago, i got so drunk and sick and blacked out and i haven't been able to drink since then. I wanna get drunk again but i just CANT drink alcohol cuz it just reminds me of this horrible night. Any ideas for recovering and being able to get drunk again?




  1. well, i think you should listen to your body.  the message it sending you is that you need not to drink.  or if you do drink, don't drink to get drunk.  learn how to hvae fun w/o being drunk or intoxicated

  2. I was a full blown drunk for 17 years. I lost everything to alcohol. Best leave it alone. Trust me, for some people all it takes is just one, to start down a horrible path. December 5th I will have been dry for ten years. I managed to dig myself out of a deep hole and make a life again. Thank God....... I cannot stand the smell of it anymore..

  3. Start slow!

  4. Why would you want to get drunk again ? You will just end up embarrassing yourself no offence (i am against drinking)

  5. now why would u wanna do that

  6. remember how  you stopped

  7. Start slowly and drink wine coolers, LOL

    Pace yourself so it doesn't "HIT" ya all at once either.

  8. wow and that didnt teach you a lesson??!! you are obviously a person who likes to search for stupid danger on trying to kill them selves. whats the point of getting drunk? being so stupid your friends begin to hate you because you act stupid arent fin any more and made drinking more seious than it has to be? drink respectably and occasionally just to have a good drink with friends not being so stupid you cant remeber the night before, my mother died from excessive drinking and i was only 11 years old she died the day after christmas, she drank her self to death. dont be stupid i know ur not going to listen to me or others to tryand tell you to just relax and drink to enjoy the night but try and listen for those around you might be so sad if they loose you. im married now and have 3 kids and they are my life after hwat happend to my mom ive never picked up an alcoholic drink. i love my life you only live once and killing your self before you need to die is childish i hope you dont have kids because if they do and ur acting this way you are one childish parent. try and think of thsoe around you and how ur drinking is affecting them before trying to get DRUNK again.

    im sorry but i had to say this it was the hardestthing for me to bne in the same room as my mother when she died, she was oly 40 years old thats a young age to be joining the bug in a coffin or the ashes in a box.

    u are a gluttin for punishment kid...drink to have fun and remember the nights not to be stupid and have your friends tell you, you jhave a problem

    god kids today...grow up please.

  9. i would start out something with almost no alchohal and just keep adding more.

  10. try drinking something differant this time and get some of those hang over pills

  11. clearly you had too much thats whay you blocked out. and i bet you had the worst morning ever. trust me been there done that.. if you really wanna drink again take it slow this time and do not drink any shots or crazy drinks like long island ice tea. start off with corona, with corona you can never go wrong. and listen to ur body. when it says stop then stop!

  12. right handed or left??  I suggest putting your right hand on a beer or light cocktail and then curling it up slowly to your lips.  Exercise and drinking!!

  13. I think you're best bet would be to drink a different type of liquor than what you got sick on (assuming you weren't mixing liquor on the night in question). If you were mixing, that might be your problem.

    I got sick like that once from vodka, and I had trouble even smelling plain old orange juice for while. Thankfully that's over now.

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