
How can i start my son"s kinder garden education?

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hi:my son is three and a half years old but he is not interested in learning anything.he does not play with any children or with toys.please tell me how i can help my can i make him study.he is very aggerrisve child.please help me as i am badly in need of some one ,who can help me in making my son a better human being.i love him so much.tania




  1. Start by looking into preschools, or co-op preschools in your area.  By putting your child in a FUN learning environment, you'll be surprised how fast he'll be willing to learn!  My son just turned 3.  He goes to a daycare center with a preschool program.  Most days I have to drag him away from school to go home because he doesn't want to leave his friends!  It is so amazing what he already knows from the program he's in!  He can count to 5, recognize his written name, knows some of his letters, knows all his shapes and colors, and knows all his friends names.  It's been a great experience for both of us.

  2. Place him in a formal, well-staffed playgroup two or three mornings of the week to jump start his social skills and confidence. Give him more responsibilities at home. He can set the family table every evening. And, he can put his own clothes away in their proper drawers. He needs chores related to his activities of daily life. At his age, he can help weed gardens, tend his own garden patch, and make bisuits. Turn the television off until he's ten years old.

  3. Speaking as a teacher, don't push him yet, get him so toys that help with his ABC's and numbers.  Let him watch educational TV.

  4. Play with him--and teach at the same time.  What color is this?  Can you find something else green?  Let's sing the alphabet song!  Look, this chair leg is round, but the table leg is square.  How many bananas do you think we need to make this fruit salad?  You are the adult, you are the leader--so you decide what happens next.  And, you might want to teach him how to control his own emotions, that'll help in school as well.

  5. 3 1/2 is so young to label aggressive

    Visit the Parent Center for help determining your child's special learning needs.

    Activities geared for his needs should be directed in positive ways.

    I also highly recommend music training at an early age.

    The link to Good Music, Brighter Children may give you some ideas even if you don't purchase the materials. [I am only recommending music training, not advertising for this site, nor do I specifically recommend or support the site and I do not receive any compensation from the site.]

    Best Wishes

  6. Please visit your school district asking for screening for 3 year old, they will tell you about the program (for NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND)  they have.  A group of specialists will do the play-base test on him , and determine if he developes approriate for his age, or if he needs help.  He could go to preschool free if he was qualified as special education student.  The preschool has done wonderful job for my son.   What you described sounds like my son 2 years ago.  Please start early.  Good luck

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