
How can i start to speak?

by  |  earlier

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I don't understand how i start to speak with a strange person.




  1. Always smile pleasantly and look people in the eye to make contact.

    If you are being introduced to others then start with a simple greeting  like "Nice to meet you" and ask them a question about themselves such as "Are you here often?" "How long are you staying?" "Is this your first visit?"  "How long have you known XYZ?" and the conversation will flow from that.

    If you are stopping a person that is a total stranger start with " I am sorry to bother you. Would you mind telling me ...." and ask what you need to know.

    At a party or a social function and you do not know anyone, look for someone who looks friendly  and make a general remark  such as " I am always at a loss in these functions as I am not familiar with many people. My name is .... and I work for.... What is your name? What brings you here?  Do you know many people here?" You will then find out what you have in common and they are bound to introduce you to someone else whom they know.

    You can also make a general remark about the location where you are, the weather conditions etc... "This is a rather splendid venue""What a pity the weather is so unpredictable" The persons that you are addressing will pick up the subject and the conversation will start flowing.

    People are always open to questions and like speaking about themselves so if you listen and then ask  pertinent questions, the barriers will vanish. They in turn will ask you questions and will get interested in what you have to say.

  2. you need a pretext-flatter their clothing for example-use something you know about them if you know anything-use the environment you're in,if you're in a mall say something about the stores-ask what they think about things-focus on them-people are fascinated with themselves and they'll talk a long time about themselves-be patient with them as they do this and make a note of what's important to them-with some practice you'll be able to converse with anyone anywhere..

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