
How can i stay awake on the bus ride to school?????????

by  |  earlier

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i am going into 8th grade in 3 days!!!! and all last year i always fell asleep on the bus and i dont want to do that this year because its embarassing. What are some things i can do to stay awake in the morning?? And DONT SAY "go to the doctors" or "drink coffee" or "get up earlier and go to bed erlier" i want funny answers but i still want them to help. THANKS!!!!!!!!




  1. Ah, yeah car-rides makes your drowsy >.<

    Bring your MP3-player/iPod or something like that, and listen to it, I do that all the time.

  2. just make your self busy,.

    bring a mp3 player with you and enjoy some music,.

    enjoy the view outside,.

    get a sketch book and draw anything you see,.

    that's the way to get alive,. lol,.  

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