
How can i stay fidelity?

by  |  earlier

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i have had a very happy marriage for 7 years now. When we got married i had told her that i was a s*x addict and she was completely fine and serviced all my needs. but recenbtly she slipped into a coma and i really have tried to remain faithful but masturbation is not cutting it. what maybe some ways that i can stay with my wife and satisfy my needs at the same time... i 've thought about asking the doctor if i can do things with her in her current state but it would be too embarassing for me, so any other suggestions?

(pic of us <3)




  1. I call Bullsh*t

  2. I smell a troll.

    Fidelity is a noun not an adjective

  3. I really hope you are kidding.  

  4. I&#039;m sure lot&#039;s of girls and babes are thinking what I&#039;m thinking.


    Can&#039;t you put aside your sexual impulses, feelings, urges, desires to the side, while your condition is at stake?

    no one dies from lack of s*x.

    NO ONE.

    I hope the best for your wife.

    I also hope that every single woman on the planet knows about you, and your self centered self.

    I would hate for my mom, sister, daughter, aunt, or female cousin to end up with a guy like you.

    by the way? your not all that, and your not god&#039;s gift to this planet with your looks

  5. gah, your probably some kinda troll... honestly, who stays with one *****?...

    but if your serious ( poor guy) heres what you do...

    if you want that &quot;faithful&quot; effect... get a picture of her face blown up... then find a dumb ***** to ****. tell her to put the picture on her face with a string ( if she refuses, then obviously she&#039;s a dumb woman who needs to learn her place, face above a stove, d**k or knee.)... there ya go... your ******* you wife. For a more realistic effect,  tell the girl to stay still, drool and stare at the ceiling... it&#039;ll be exactly like your wife.

  6. I think you&#039;re full of **it

  7. I&#039;m not married.  And have never been in a relationship with a s*x addict.  but i think if you really love her you&#039;d want to stay faithful.  just think.  one day when she comes out of the coma you don&#039;t want to have to tell her that you cheated.  

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