
How can i stay hydrated and full? ?

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When I'm constantly throwing everything up, and today I'm just really nauseous and i feel like i need to make myself throw up to feel better (but i just cant do that) I'm hungry and i can tell I'm getting dehydrated but i cant even keep water down. Advice would be wonderful.

I'm 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant.




  1. Try ginger ale it is soothing on your tummy and the ginger is good for nausea.  A few saltine crackers will also help. Time will help too.  Once you get through the first trimester you should start feeling better.  Congrats!

  2. You should not eat full meals, eat little bites here and there when you are hungry and drink little sips, it stays down much easier!  I had this problem too!

  3. You will need to call your Dr or go to the hospital for fluids. It is very important to stay hydrated during pregnancy. There are medications that your Dr can give you to help with the nausea and vomiting that are perfectly safe for the baby.  

  4. ginger snaps and soda. is my staple sometimes also the doc gave me anti nausea meds. I know alot of people say soda is bad for you. but i talked to my doc and giving that i lose 20 to 40 pds at my preg because of the throwing up and also my diabetes taking the insulin i need to eat. I always befor I get out of the bed eat 3 ginger cookies and some diet caffeine free soda not alot just a little that it settled me alot. then i could eat. I eat small meals many time in the day cold foods helped like turkey sandwich's, some fruit also a free food that helped me alot was cucumbers. also i didn't cook my whole preg. my 12 yr old son wants to be a chief so he did alot and my older daughter who is 14 helped alot. try not to eat spicy food this also triggers that feeling. this is my 8th preg and im a pro at it and at all of my preg i have been this way. make sure to get fluids this is a big thing. i can't drink water by its self so what i do besides soda is i make lemonaid. what i do is keep water in the fridge so that its cold and i get a big cup that is about 24 oz I add ice and water and lemon (the liquid kind like real lemon) I like mine sour so i add alot but you have to do that to taste, then I add sweet and low. and I drink about four of these a day. another drink for me is ice tea yes its caffeine that can dehydrate you, however for me i have migraines and need that caffeine to off set the meds that i used to take again it is something that my doc and I have talked about and use it to my plan you might not be the same. Also sometimes i would boil ginger root and the smell would help. since your at the start you can see what works best for you and always always always talk to your doc as to what is best for you and the baby. so for being so long I'm stuck in the bed and bored lol..... gl

  5. i am 9weeks and had the same problem at seven week which got me a ticket to hospital multiple times which is no fun.

    i found that soda water stays down the bubbles settle your stomach. and im taking those morning sickness pills. my morning sickness has eased now and i can drink and eat most things but i have a hard time with water, but juice goes good. =]

    good luck

  6. I am a CMA

    You need to see a doctor... NOW!!!! You should go to the ER you need to have an IV to rehydrate you .. Dehydration will also cause you to feel nauseous and throw up

  7. call your doctor and sometimes if it is this bad they can give you medicine to help take that away

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