
How can i stay up during the day, when i stayed up the entire night?

by  |  earlier

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Im just trying to get my normal slepping times back




  1. Oh my god, I have the same problem. It's so hard.

    I might not sleep till' 5am and I always wake up at 12pm.

    So sad, can't wait till school starts again!

  2. Keep yourself busy and moving. If you're sitting or lying on the couch for the majority of the day, odds are you'll fall asleep. Instead...walk the dog, go for a run, or bake something in the kitchen so you're standing and moving around. Just make sure you don't leave the stove on.

    Drink caffeine if it helps keep you awake, too.

    If you're so tired you just want to go to sleep, set an alarm for twenty minutes later and take a quick nap. A power nap every few hours might be just enough "boost" to keep you awake until tonight without totally compromising your night's sleep.

    Go over to a friend's house or go out with friends. If you're in a friend's company you won't want to sleep (it's rude) and if you're out in public you won't have anywhere TO sleep therefore you won't be able to.

    Take a cold shower if you feel particularly tired, splash your face with water, avoid eating "heavy" foods that make you sleepy, etc.

  3. keep slapping yourself on the face...

    take a bath...

    stay out on the sun...

    hear very loud sounds

  4. If you can keep on pushing on, doing that would be best, and supplementing yourself with only enough coffee/tea/energy drink to keep you awake.

    you could also set a time to take a small nap. to recharge you a little bit, but not enough to feel totally rested, that way you'll have more time before you're ready to pass out.

    Once you managed to make it to the sleep time you want, be consistent, wake up and go to bed at the same time every night.

  5. do something that'll keep u busy the whole day and make sure your out and not near a bed or couch coz moslt likely youll get 2 tempted and go and sleep.. take some enegery drinks aswell..and at the end of the day youll be so tired you wont bother waking up till the next day

  6. For one day don't go to sleep during the day. Go to sleep a Little earlier then your normal sleep time and get up early.

    I used to work Graveyard shift but got transferred to morning and it helped me. Drink some coffee and/or Red Bull but regular not the sugar free.

  7. try coffee, exercise, drink alcohol with mates, just to help your body tire out a bit when you are ready to go to sleep or something, maybe alcohol is bad for you, not entirely sure your age, so i say no more

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