
How can i step out of someones shadow even through family blood?

by  |  earlier

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heres the deal. i want to know what anger mangement is. because everytime me and my brother had a fight im very close to hurting him bad. but i stop myself. but im afraid i really can.i didnt mean 2 but when i get blinded by rage i just lose it. sure familys have blood issues passed down but i want to stop it...please try to give me a good answer please. <:' (




  1. Seek help!  You have to figure out why you let him set you off!  Anger management will teach you how to control yourself when tension arises between you and your brother.  I have helped my brother learn how not to let his older brother push his buttons!  And sometimes separation is necessary!  At least you realize you need help! other people end up in trouble! Don&#039;t shed your blood or his, when you can just tell him to back off! or leave.  

  2. Tiffany,

    Asking is the most important part, now have you had someone hit you so hard that you do this with your brother?  Most of the time you will find this.

    Why not debomb the problem at the start, when the disagreement just begins do this.  When he starts something, just smile at him and say

    &quot;You&#039;re Right!&quot; and turn away. Do this over and over for almost two weeks and it will stop, why should he try to goat you when you don&#039;t respond with any negative things. so he leaves you alone and the anger is only that you can&#039;t yell at him for being a when you are alone in the home. go to your room put a pillow to your face and scream, scream and again, it will go and so will this urge............ tried and true.

    had raised 4 adult children and have 12 grandchildren.........

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