
How can i still move out for college? Stubborn father who is a stickler! Im so worried!

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My boyfriend (whom my parents don't like) is moving to Kansas City. I will be 50 miles away from him when he moves. So he asked me to move with him, because we've lived together before and have been together for 3 years. I would love to. It would be a wonderful opportunity for me to experience life away from my small town to enjoy college in a bigger town! And I would be transfering in December during break.

Not to mention living with my boyfriend again, and being closer to my best friend who also lives there for college.

One problem. I can get into the college, easy, but the tuition is $4000, a semester, which is $900 more than i am paying now.

My father and i are splitting costs of tuition evenly, and he doesnt want to spend any more money (though 4000 isnt very much to spend on college anyway)

Also, i am more than responsible. I pay plenty of my own bills and will be supporting myself when i move there.

I have $400 in bills i pay alone and on time on my own right now, and will be splitting costs of living with my boyfriend. Its not like i am irresponsible.

im really going to try for scholarships. I have a 3.0 right now, and i should be able to get at least one, but i have to wait until AFTER 2009 to try, because the cutoff was in Feb of 2008.

Do any of you have any advice on getting my father to spend the extra money, or any advice at all?! Im so worried that i wont be able to enjoy college away. I need help, bad!




  1. Your relationship sounds quite serious, if your dad doesn't want to pay the extra just tell him to spent the same amount, see if your bf can help chip in or you just have to get a job. I'll pay for you if i were your bf, talk to him see what he says.

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