
How can i still talk without feeling awkward?

by  |  earlier

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I was seeing this guy that I used to go school with. I guess he only liked me as a friend but I got the wrong idea. He must have sensed it because he hinted me that he only sees me as a friend. I felt so embarrassed and awkward.

However, I haven’t spoke to him for 2 weeks and I still want to be friends but I can't help feeling awkward.

Have you ever been in this situation before?




  1. While I don't know what this has to do with weddings, I'll offer some advice.

    Let it go.  You can totally recover from this.  He's probably flattered that you liked him, just doesn't see you that way.  And it's okay.  You've had a minor blow to your pride, but just recover maturely.  Talk to him.  Be a friend.  Act like it doesn't matter to you one way or the other--and it doesn't!  

    Good luck.  You'll do fine.

  2. yep i have. just think to yourself all of the things you wouldn't date him for, then think that you would never consider dating him, and then just think that that situation never happened. so now your problems gone cause you don't remember the situation and you would never date him because of the reasons why.

  3. friends....... well talk to him like nothing ever happened. He'll get the picture and things will move on smoothly

  4. Simple, just get over it.  I know it is easy to say, but it is for the best.  I have been there before.  Just treat them with respect, and you will have a friend or life.

  5. oh yeh its well embarrassin all i can say is laugh it off an joke about it cuz if you laugh about it nobody else will he will probably join in an it may clear the air, or invite him out sum where e.g u want to come bowling wiv such n such. speaking to him out right will make it seem as though you are completley over it, plus if you ask him come out wiv other people as well as you he will see is as a get togeva ather than you tryn to get him on a date lol. hope  every thn works out i hate it when you can lose a close mate over sumthn silly cheers!

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