
How can i stop a small cat from peeing in one corner specifically? it is litter trained. ?

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is there something i can lay on the carpet that the cat wouldn't like to step on? or smell?





  1. The cat can smell it's own urine there, and will continue to think that it is a proper place to urinate. There are several cleaning products designed specifically to eliminate pet urine odors and keep them from using that spot again. Check out your local grocery store cleaning aisle.  

  2. Clean and put some vapo rub on the area. Cats really do not like it as the balm smells and tastes bad when they try to l**k it off.

  3. The smell is the problem. If the cat can still smell the odor of the urine, it will continue to pee there. The best urine eliminator I found was RugDoctor Urine Eliminator.. You can buy it wherever you can rent a rug doctor. Follow the directions on the back of the bottle exactly, and the urine smell disappears. It is very difficult to get the urine smell out of a carpet, and that is the ONLY cleaner that has worked for me over the years. I suggest trying that.  

  4. try putting the litter box there

  5. Try putting a litter box in the area where the cat is peeing

  6. aluminum foil.  Be sure to use something like Natures Miracle (available at petco or petsmart) to get rid of the odor.  Even if you cant smell it, the cat definitely can and knows that is the place to pee.  You could also try a feliway comfort zone diffuser in that room, but they cost about 50 dollars but have been very effective.  Has the cat been checked to be sure it does not have any urinary tract problems?  that can be a major cause of urinating out of the box

  7. Well I would say that you could put a plant there, but then it might just try and go in the plant. LOL

    This same thing happened with my dog during Christmas time, she always peed under the tree and she's potty trained.

    If you're looking for something to block the cat from going over there, you could try rearranging your furniture in that room, put a book case there, or something.

    Otherwise, I say clean the carpet really well, perhaps the cat is still trying to mark territory and it smells something over there that makes it want to mark it.

    Just random thoughts, I hope you find a solution.


  8. the best thing you can do is to find a product that eliminates the cat toilet smell in that corner .

    please don't use bleach though it smells similar to animal pee.

    another tip someone told me was pepper. sprinkle pepper there short term, also as it was suggested something that smells of citrus( unless your cat like lemon tea,lol )

  9. Citronella oil, cat's hate it, simly rub some on the carpet with a damp sponge, should do the trick

  10. They say to use aluminum foil. A 1' x 1' sheet seemed enough.

    I've seen it work with my brother's cat who pisses out of spite.

    The cat has anger issues, but the foil worked even when they weren't home.

  11. I'd have to go with the people saying to put the litter box there D:

    If you have one somewhere else, i'd suggest getting a second litter box, then maybe it will get the picture and just use both.

  12. i would put the litter tray there

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