
How can i stop bad dreams about death happing it driving me mad

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How can i stop bad dreams about death happing it driving me mad




  1. Well, i used to have that problem..One way is to think of flowers in the garden or your happy place. If you can't do that or it doesnt help then watch a little tv. like mabey a really kiddie show to help culm your nerve. In the day time dont watch scary shows that would give you these dreams. Or if their your favorit tv shows or movies watch them when you just awake.. so then in the day you can have better things to think about at night like more fun things that you've done or fun things that you've done a while ago. things that make you feel good!


  2. hiya jen, i use to have them every night,it was really horrible,my friend told me to buy some karms from the chemist,i did and took them,after about the 3rd night they kick in and since then i have not had any bad doctor told me, i was having them because when i fell asleep my brain was not switching fine now im still taking comming of them next weekend,to see if i don't need them keeping my fingers crossed.x*x

  3. don't know that you can, but dreaming of death usually signifies a beginning; moving on, rather than death & the end.

  4. watch the chuckle brothers every night before bo bo's

  5. Change your waking thoughts. You are in control of your dreams, just as you are in control of your waking thoughts. Stop hanging around with someone who drags you down too, that doesn't help either. You are not here to help them, the situation they are in is of their own making, so let them get on with it.  

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