
How can i stop being a good person ?

by  |  earlier

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i want to be mean and rude and i want to have the guts to hurt the people who hurt me.. when i ever have the chance to payback.. i feel sad for them and forgive them.. How can i stop that ?




  1.   just because you dont kick someones butt when they hurt you doesn't make you a weak person . You should be the better person and tell them that youre sorry they are such bad people. if the person doesnt give up,... kick their ***. dont let them get you down and give them your best.

  2. hah you remind me of my sister.  I don't think you can stop it, unless you just force yourself to be nasty.

  3. think garden

    weed out the bad to let the good grow.

    dont change urself just, what the situation is or ppl in ur life.

    why would u change urself?? u are u. yea, have taken alot of things like that in my life as well. until i booted ppl. the 15000 dollars. never got it back, but hey. could have been worse, it could've been100 000. i felt used and only approached when someone needed help. when i needed help there was no one there. (i became ill). so yea. try that.

  4. Please don't, you sound like a wonderful person with good qualities who is probably well liked...don't change that!

  5. It's better to live well, and not

    worry about pay-back.  It hurts

    enemies more to see you ignore

    them, and do the right thing in life.

    Continue to be a good person.

    Good is rewarded.

  6. You want to stop being a "good" person? Read your question very carefully... you have already answered it. You stated, "I want to be mean and rude and I want to have the guts to hurt the people who hurt me". Personally, I think your view is an abnormal way of thinking, but you already know what you want to do. However, I don't recommend it. You may isolate yourself from people who genuinely love and care about you and vice versa.  

  7. Don't.  People have been telling me for years that I need to toughen up and stop letting myself get hurt or taken for granted.  I could become harder, say no more often, but in the end - it's me who I look at in the mirror in the morning and I have to appreciate the person looking back.

    Those people in life who "stick it to us" in a sense, could change your life for the worse by taking away from you what makes you, you.  To give control of your mind, heart and personality over to those people only gives them a victory and you a defeat.

    My line, NO ONE CAN CHANGE ME BUT ME.  Good luck.

  8. Well there is a difference in being a jerk and just not wanting people to walk all over you. Sometimes you just have to say no and stand up for the things you want. I wouldn't suggest [picking on people or being rude.  

  9.   YOU  can't , You're  just  a  good  person  and  there  is  nothing  you  can  do  about  it  Why  change ? It  is  a  GIFT  that  you  have  ,  stay  like  that.The  people  that  did  you  injustices  will  get  theirs   in  due  time ...........................................  

  10. why would you want to be a bad person?

    if your a good person, good things happen to you! karma!

    you sound like a really nice person.

    don't ruin it.

  11. SO you want to go from being a respecting, caring individual to a jerk.. Wow, it's usually the other way around. Just start commiting crimes, get arrested, start hanging around with Gangs, that should do it, Idiot. Look It's easy to be mean, it's easy to hate, it's easy to cheat, but it takes a stronger person to be honest, respectfull, kind, caring and a good human being.

    Just my 2.5 cents.


  12. You should try to remain as you are

    Do not try to become what you are not

    Remain good as you are

    Goodness has more value and more life than evil

  13. Listen to a lot of mainstream hip hop or underground battle rapping, take it all in...and simply aspire to be an arrogant a*****e!

  14. do not you are the bigger person and what goes around comes around  

  15. Just keep your mouth shut up and don't leave into your room.

  16. it may not seem like it but your problem is a blessing. good people win in the long term.  

  17. I am not sure, but if you figure it out, please share it.  I'm beginning to think being a good person will just get you kicked in the gut as well as the wallet.  Either that, or I just need better friends.

    So how do we kick those kind of people out of our lives to make room for the better ones?  

    Lately I just keep reminding myself what those people took from me, money, emotions, whatever, and tell myself do I really have the time to be cheapened by that?  I am also learning the word "NO" because I know these people will be back to ask for more "help" and I want to learn not to give it to them anymore.  We need to convince ourselves that we are not being selfish if we say no, only protecting what is ours and what we worked hard for to begin with.  We have to realize we have done what we could to help, to stop feeling sad for them, and know they will not change without putting in some of their own effort.  Furthermore, if they don't care enough about the person who helped them that they can hurt someone so bad, then we need to say it is ok to let these people be by themselves.  I too am tired of being hurt by people like this. Good luck.

    PS Getting even is ok, for a while, but I think the best way is to know you will always be better than them.

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