
How can i stop being angry?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime i think of a kid that i know i get really angry because i think of all the times he gave me h**l in middle school. He thinks he is so cool and is waaaay overconfident. i hate people like that. He treats everyone like shittt and gets away with it. Everytime someone talks about him i feel like working out and get a pit of anger in my stomache. How do i deal with these kind of pricks without it affecting me?




  1. i donno about you. But if i was you i will do all this thing to release my anger :

    1.Count from 1 to 10

    2.Hit your pillow if you are at home

    3.Think of something funny

    i donno if it will work for you but for me it surely work.

  2. First of all y do u let it bother u so much. u must forgive him or her in order to forget them find the peace within urself so that u can do that  if this doesnt work turn to god he will provide the answer



    IDK SORRY...

  4. I understand where you are coming from, I personally I hate it when the person who was disrespectful to you the year before suddenly wants to be your best friend. I'm definately skeptical at that point, but I do try to hear them out.

    When I hear their name I tend to cringe, because the people are saying positive things about him and in my memory the guy was a total ********, so my opinion is different.

    -I do not care about hearing his name anymore though, because I have crossed that bridge. I no longer feel like his opinion of me matter and so his hurtful words no longer effect me.

    -I am sure that if you deal with the battles he has put you through then you will not feel so disgusted everytime you hear about him. You probably won't forgive him entirely until you have overcome your own issues with it, but you should remember that he is not a part of your life if you do not want him to be, and he holds nothing over you.

    -You can overcome all of the anger if you truly want to and let yourself do so. -It may take time, but the first step is to tell yourself that you are better then this and stronger than him.

    -I really hope this helps you out and that you can stop this from affecting your life...


  5. By thinking that something horrible will happen if you don't.

  6. Your already letting it affect you .  Just don't let him treat you like s**t.

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