
How can i stop being made fun of and bullied @ school?

by Guest58404  |  earlier

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people make fun of me 4 some reason like calling me p***y, f*g, bisexual ( idont even know what that means!), etc.




  1. Well how old are you and what's you genre?

  2. Ok heres what you do start watching movies like lord of war then change your entire attidude and be more like nicholas cage in that movie.

    Or wait since the new school years starting up see if theres a new guy in your grade without friends and make freinds with him then let him be your sheild and hurt the ther people for you.

    Or you could take the f*g route and tell a teacher

    also which grade are you in  and whats your gender

    if your a girl remeber what Ula says in The Producers if you got it flaunt it so get a bra stuff it and see what happens also a little bump in the rump couldnt hurt

  3. transfer out of the school

  4. It is not weak to ask for justice.  If it is just words ignore the people saying them and hang with people that are supportive.  If it gets physical report them immediately.  The phrase the squeaky wheel gets the grease is true.  Don't whine but don't be quiet either.  The more rukus you raise the more likely an adult will stop the abuse.  If you get desperate call the police and make a complaint.  At the minimum people will talk and the bullies will fade into the wood work.

  5. just ignore them there retards

    bisexual means that u like both boys and girls at the same time

    if ur a fighter not a lover just say c**p back if they know u dont care they'll leave u alone

    trust mi my boyfriend (im so ashamed to call him that lol) is bad about picking on people but he'll leave them alone if they dont give him a response

    just ignore them and then if they dont stop then get some friends to help tell them off its never a bad thing 2 ask for help sometimes

    hope this helps :)

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