
How can i stop being so nervous about skiing?

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Tomorrow i'm going on a downhill ski trip and i payed alot of money for it. Now, i kind of regret paying because i'm SO nervous!

Last year when i went skiing, i fell alot and the ski/chair lift scared the h**l outa me. I hate going down the steep hills at such high speeds, but my friends wanted to go, so i did too...?

This is my 2nd time skiing and i'm SO nervous. How can i stop being so scared?




  1. Ski Lessons....Savvy skiers usually take a lesson whenever they try a new hill. Beginners need practice on the 'bunny hill'. Ask for help at the lift gate...that's what the attendents are there for.

  2. It's okay to be nervous.  Skiing is still new to you.  Just take it easy and remember,  confidence follows success and not the other way around.  In other words, the more you ski, the better you'll be and the more fun you will have.

  3. You know, see if you can't start out on a bunny hill to practice for the first few times. I know this happened to me last year, i was ablet od o this and it helped a lot!

  4. realize the worst thing that is going to happen is that you might fall a few times \

    and how long does that hurt like 10 seconds if that

    i have found don't think just go for it and see what happens most the time it works out for me

  5. Have a couple of drinks and party way to hard.  things suddenly become much easier and you don't worry as much.  


  6. What exactly are you nervous about?  The snow is soft, the hardpack is solid and the company should be fun.  If you are not having fun, it's not worth the money even if you loose every centavo you paid for the trip.

      As to your so called "friends" who wanted to scare you so badly, they can be replaced.  Take a series of lessons from a qualified professional instructor who can calm your fears and help you to become an accomplished skier. I've been teaching skiing for over 40 years and your concerns are quite normal. I personally am also bothered and sometimes scared of the chair ride. If you can sit still at home on your couch without falling out of it, you should be able to ride the chair safely and not fall out of the chair, also secure the restraining bar in front of you.

      Never be afraid to walk back out of a run that is too steep for you. Embarassment is better than death or serious (or any) injury.  If your "friends"  give you a bad time, stand up to them and ask them  to pay for your hospital bills.  If this is only your second day of skiing, I would not expect you to ski anything except the beginner lifts. By the end of 4 hours of lessons from a professional instructor, (not your friends)  and about 4 more hours of practice, you should be able to ski the green runs easily and work up your confidence towards some blue runs.

       If you ride a bicycle, think back and remember how long it took you to be a good rider.  Any sport or skill takes some time and lots of practice to become competent, it takes time to learn correct muscle memory so you can ski well.  

    I really hope this will help you enjoy the sport.


    1) first you have to think about the scientific features of the skies. if you fall in a weird way, the skies will unhook from your boot so you won't break your leg or anything.

    2) remember not to jam the ski pole into the mountain so much or it will get stuck (not a bug deal but you will have to go get it).

    3)if you don't want to go to fast butdon't want to keep stopping, then go in a BIG zig-zag pattern down the mountain. you can speed up or slow down whenever you want and it's so hard to fall when doing this.

    4) okay, as for the chair lift, it's always terrifing the first couple times up it, and i'm not going to lie, you probably will fall the first time off. everyone does. and you might think it's hummiliating, but everytime they stop the lift while your on it, it means somebody has tripped and they have to wait for them to get up. i'm not trying to make you think that it's a death trap, just help you understand that so many people fall but it's not a big deal. they have nets and stuff to catch you incase you slip and if you fall on you way down the ramp getting of (which i do all the time), then you will take a slight turn and end up sitting in front of the mountain, so you just saved yourself a trip. haha) (i swear, the first time i go the lift, i'm litterally shaking, and not from the cold. i get so freaked out with that kind of thing, but after the first time, it's so not bad.


    5)if you are going over a slightly bumpy area, bend your knees to allow your skies to lift up over each bump. if you are stiff, the you could tumble.

    6)if some part of the mountain is ICY, BE CAREFUL! you pick up speed when you go over ice, but the best thing to do is NOT FREAK OUT. if you freak out then you will lose control. if you start to get uncomfortable with the speed you are going, then simple take longer zig-zags across the mountain. this will slow you down.

    7)don't feel pressured to keep up with your friends. if they are going really fast but you don't want to pick up that much speed, then stick with what feels comfortable and tell them to wait for you at the bottom. (they will have to anyway, the chair lift lines are miles long when the snow is good.

    8) here is a tip so you don't have to work as hard. when you approach the bottom of the mountain, don't stop, keep going and take a turn into the chair lift line. (just be sure you don't smash into anybody. if there are a lot of people at the bottom then don't go super fast. this is just a tip so you dono't have to push yourself across the FLAT part of the mountain. it's hard and tiring.

    9) if you need to go up the mountain to get something, turn your skies sideways and dig into the mountain. DON'T TRY TO WALK UP WITH THE SKIES POINTING DOWN THE MOUNTAIN! i'm sure the reason is obvious.

    10) don't turn and throw yourself off balance becuase you think you're going to hit someone. let other people look out for you. (unless they're a little kid or you know they won't see you)

    11) don't take REALLY sharp turns. they can throw you off.

    12)make sure you are fully clothed with the right gear. even though you may not look super stylish, you need to wear either puffy snowpants or skinny leggings that grip your ankles. wear either a puffy coat of a wind breaker. you'll need a hat and gloves. (a gater never hurt: those things that look like headbands. they keep your mouth warm but somethimes get clammy.) you might also want to wear think sock that go pretty high. the boots can be uncomfortable so you'll want some cushioning on your feet. it's a REALLY GOOD IDEA to wear ski goggles. they have sunglasses built in and the protect you eyes if you fall. they also help if the snow is blowing in your eyes so you don't have to squint. DON'T WEAR A SCARF! i could get caught on something and choke you, especially on the chair lift (even though it sounds ridiculous) the more clothes you are wearing the less it hurts when you fall. you have cushioning and burn protection. (i'm not saying to go skiing dressed like a snowman because you are so puffy from your clothes, but you know what i mean)

    13)go to the bathroom BEFORE you put on all the gear becuase once you get dressed, there is no escaping! (haha)

    14) you might want to make sure you have a cell phone with you. although it seems like a bad idea, you might need it. let me tell you a SHORTENED story of what happened with me...


               it was my first time snowboarding and i was with my dad and instructor, and even though my mom nagged me to bring my cell phone it didn't because iu didn't want it to get damaged. anyway i fell behind when we were going over a jump and i jumped of the ramp and fell of the side into a pit of ice chunks.  my dad and the other guy were already at the bottom and couldn't see me, plus it was too far to walk. at that time i really wished i had brought my cell phone with my.

    even if you do fall, you won't crush the phone becuase it will be protected by all of the gear.

    15) bring some money with you. you might get hungry or something and it's always good to have some extra cash.

    16) don't wear any jewelry, except maybe a watch.

    ***Good luck skiing and have fun!

    p.s. please vote me for best answer!  :)

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